Page 4 of The Sinner

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“You’d let me hold it the whole flight?”

“Lily …” I chuckled, ending my sentence there since it didn’t feel like the right time to tell her I’d not only let her hold my imaginary dog, but also me. “Give me one more. The best one you’ve got. Something I’ll never forget.”

She was quiet for a moment. “Years ago, I had to break up a fight between two passengers. While I was holding one back, the other threw something at us.” Her eyes closed, her head shaking, like the memory traumatized her. “I wish I could say it was her fist, which sounds silly, I know, but I would have rather had that than her dentures.”

“Hold up. She threw her teeth at you?”

Her hand flattened against her chest, drawing my attention there. “Sadly, they hit my cheek. Spit and all. The thought still makes me want to die.”

I made sure my stare rose to her face when I said, “And here I thought, biting was the only way to use those as a weapon.”

“Right? I swear, my passengers teach me something new every day.”

Here was my in.

“So, what are you going to learn from me, Lily?”

I liked the way she reacted whenever I said her name, the sound of it causing her lips to tug wider each time.

“I don’t know … what do you plan on teaching me?”

Shifting the focus, smart move.

I nodded toward her face. “I bet a lot of your passengers comment on your beautiful smile.”

“I’ve gotten a remark or two in the past, yes.” Her brows lifted. “Why? Are you a dentist? Are you going to teach me a trick about flossing that I don’t already know?”

I laughed. “I was going to tell you that I wanted you to reserve that smile just for me.”

“Make it all yours, huh?”

“That’s right.”

“That’s going to be hard to do, Mr. Spade. This is a seven-hour flight. That’s a long time, especially since I’ll be passing out multiple courses of food and drinks. Not smiling at anyone while I’m doing it?” She shook her head. “Not sure I can pull that off.”

“Let’s make a deal, then.” I held out my hand. “In exchange, how about I promise not to flirt with any other flight attendants?”

“Boy, you’re a charmer.”

My fingers waved in the air. “So? Do we have a deal?”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

Her hand clasped mine, and the second we touched, I felt something. A goddamn buzz that jolted through my arm, up my chest, and straight to my cock.

I was positive she felt it too.

I saw it in her eyes. I felt it in the way she gripped me.

I sensed it when she didn’t immediately release my hand.

“I’ve got to go.” Her voice quieted. “Can I get you anything else?” She pulled her fingers back.

I pointed at my glass. “How about another one of these after takeoff?”

The hand that had touched me was dangling at her side, fingers tightening and loosening, just like mine were doing. “Sounds like I’ll be seeing you soon.”

