Page 22 of The Sinner

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My dick instantly hardened from it; my hands immediately clutched.

And suddenly, my entire fucking head was filled with images from the past, my eyes scanning the interior of the jet to locate the source.

That was all it had taken. One small whiff.

But as I looked, I saw no one.

It had to be a splash of tropical drink mix that had somehow found its way into the air or the aroma from the fruit platter that was placed by the first couch.

A coincidence.

And a goddamn tease that was cruel as hell.

I got deeper into the aircraft, finding a seat next to Dominick, and just as I began to turn around to sit, the flight attendant rushed out of the back of the plane toward our group.

She was blonde.

With eyes so deep and blue that a crayon could be named after her.

I blinked to make sure my fucking eyes weren’t playing tricks on me.

And when my eyelids opened, nothing had changed.

She was still there.

With plump, full lips.

Fair skin.

A smile that showed the most beautiful white teeth.

My stare didn’t have to dip down her body to know. I didn’t even have to go as low as her neck.

Because not a single thing on her gorgeous face had changed in the time that had passed.

What are you doing here? Why are you in a Dalton uniform?

How long have you worked for my best friend?

Those were just a few of the questions that were filling my mind as she got closer, my nose confirming what I’d smelled earlier as her scent got stronger.

The erection in my jeans became relentless.

My fingers balled into a fist to stop them from reaching.

Because once we locked eyes, that was all I wanted to do.

“Brady …” She stopped at the back of Cooper’s seat, one row behind Dominick’s. Her eyes were wide, her lips hanging open for several seconds without anything coming out of them. “What a … surprise.”



When Aubrey, the full-time flight attendant for the Daltons, had trained me for this position, prepping for her maternity leave, she had told me that the Daltons ran things differently than most owners of private jets. They provided a list of what they wanted, including specific brands of alcohol, and instead of the attendant greeting the family at the bottom of the boarding stairs, like the pilots did, they preferred to be served drinks the second they boarded.

So, that was what I was preparing in the rear galley when I heard the chatter in the front of the plane. The sound was far too loud and animated for it to be coming from the pilots; therefore, I knew the passengers had entered the aircraft. I quickly finished pouring the several fingers’ worth of scotch into the tray of glasses I’d set out, and just as I was walking down the main aisle, I saw him.

Brady Spade.
