Page 21 of The Sinner

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I’d never come across a woman who captivated me to the point of wanting more. Who teased me enough to desire a second taste. Who enticed my brain to even ponder a future.

Except for one.

The flight attendant.

She hadn’t given in during the trip to Edinburgh even though I propositioned her several times before we landed. I wasn’t even sure she was going to show up to my suite. But when she did, we spent the entire day and most of the night together. When I woke early the next morning, she was gone. The only things she’d left behind were a note on the table—if I could even call it that, all she’d written was a heart and her name—and the memories I now had of her.

Memories I recalled often.

What is it about Lily that I just can’t get enough of?

That was the thought that had run through my head the whole time she was in my hotel room.

When my hands were on her body, I wanted more of her skin to touch. When my lips were on hers, I wanted a longer taste. When my dick was inside her, I was already thinking about the next time I was going to have her.

But why?

Was it that she hadn’t immediately given in to me on the plane? That she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen? That she didn’t push for what was going to happen next or ask for my number or leave hers? Or that she disappeared without even saying goodbye?

Fuck if I knew.

But around six months had passed since I’d gotten even a whiff of her scent.

I wished I could say I didn’t think about her, but I did. I wished I could say I didn’t want to do that full day and night all over again, but I did.

I wished I could say my assistant hadn’t reached out to the airline to see if she could find out Lily’s last name, but she had. She’d also had no luck getting any information on her.

So, that was all Lily would ever be—a memory.

“Would I be into a woman if she played hard to get?” I repeated since I still hadn’t answered Cooper’s question. “I don’t know. I suppose anything is possible, but the chances, at this point, aren’t likely.” I noticed we were pulling onto the tarmac, and Cooper was gripping his phone even tighter than before. It was time to shift the conversation off me. “You know, you can still back out if you’re not feeling this trip.”

His head slowly turned toward me. “Letting me off gently? Who are you?”

I laughed. “I’m still the asshole you know and love.” I nodded toward his hand. “I can’t help but see the way you’re holding your cell. I couldn’t pry that thing out of your hand for all the money in the world, which tells me something is up.”

He drew in a long breath. “Rayner is running a little fever.”

“Dude, go be with your daughter,” I told him. The SUV came to a stop next to the jet, and Dominick was the first to get out. “Have the driver take you home or order a car service, but don’t feel like you have to get on that plane.”

“It’s not the first fever she’s ever had. But each time, I worry. Rowan assures me she’s fine. The pediatrician has already come over and checked her out, and he says she’s okay too.” His head dropped. “One day, it’ll get easier. Today is just not that day.”

“You’re a good dad.”

He gazed up, his eyes full of emotion. “Besides her mother, she’s the most important part of my life. Every sniffle makes my fucking heart stop.”

There wasn’t enough alcohol in Florida to get him through this trip.


“If I get to Tampa and I’m not feeling it, I’ll fly back. But I want to at least try to go.”

I put my hand over his shoulder, giving it a hard squeeze. “I support whatever you decide.”

I slipped out of the backseat, and one by one, we crossed the red carpet and climbed the steps into the jet. I wasn’t more than a few paces inside when a scent hit my nose. It was subtle. Like cologne the morning after, where it took a trained nose to catch those spicy hints that were barely strong enough to make their way off my neck.

But the second I breathed in that familiar piña colada smell, I was hit with a thought.

A memory came next.
