Page 23 of The Sinner

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Tingles immediately swished through my body, and while I held the tray with one hand, I gripped the back of the seat with the other, a row behind where he stood, and I forced myself to breathe.

Because I couldn’t.

Because everything, including my lungs, was frozen.

How was he here? How was he only a couple of feet in front of me?

How was this my luck?

He wasn’t just a man I’d slept with. My first and only one-night stand. That title wasn’t nearly strong enough; it didn’t hold the same level of importance for the pedestal I’d put him on.

He was the man I’d been thinking about nonstop for the last six months.

But it didn’t go beyond thinking since I’d refused to look him up online, even though I knew his full name, in fear that I’d be tempted to reach out.

Communication, a second night together—those just weren’t possible.

“Brady …” I searched for something to say, doing everything I could to calm the jittering in my body. When the tray threatened to fall—something I couldn’t let happen; I would never recover from the embarrassment—I released the seat and gripped the tray with both hands. “What a … surprise.”


I could laugh at the little weight that word held.

Shock wasn’t much better, but it was definitely a lot of that too.

Those eyes, that smile, his hands, the most incredible body I’d ever seen—I caught each one in my line of sight and shivered.

Brady was dangerous.

Not in a way that I was scared of him. In a way that I couldn’t resist him.

“I didn’t expect to see you again.” His eyelids narrowed as they took me in, every inch causing more goose bumps to rise over my skin. “Certainly not on my best friend’s private plane.”

His best friend? Is a Dalton?

I knew the world was small. But this small was far too tiny.

I didn’t know what to say, so I lifted a scotch off the tray and handed it to him. “Same.” And then I realized that didn’t exactly make sense, so I clarified, “Not on my best friend’s jet. In general, I mean, I didn’t expect to see you …” My voice trailed off as I came to my senses, knowing how ridiculous I sounded. “I’ll bring you another scotch before takeoff.”

I wanted to run, but I couldn’t. I was the only flight attendant on board. I couldn’t call in a backup. Aubrey had a newborn at home and hadn’t returned to work yet, which was why I was here. Somehow, I had to make it through this flight, along with the two nights we were staying in Tampa, and then the return flight to LA.

All while having Brady within reach.

And whenever I came into contact with him, I had to hide the fact that there wasn’t anyone in this world I was more attracted to than him. That no man had ever done to my body what he had.

Because I remembered.


Even down to the minuscule details.

He lifted the glass to his mouth, watching me while his lips surrounded the edge, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed.

That stare was unforgettable. It penetrated every inch of my skin. My goose bumps now doubling.

“I’ll grab you a water too,” I said softly.

A statement that had come out of nowhere. I’d just felt the need to break the silence because standing here, saying nothing, felt so strange.
