Page 20 of The Sinner

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I lifted it, reading the text on the screen. “Fuck.”

“Don’t even tell me it’s a work crisis,” Cooper said from beside me.

“Worse. It’s a chick.”

“The women never stop blowing you up, do they?”

“I don’t know how they get my number. I don’t give it out.” I looked at my brother. “What the fuck? Are they detectives?”

“Your digits are probably written on every restroom stall in LA.”

I glared at him. “Listen, man, going in, they know they only get me for one night. It should be no surprise to them when I leave.”

“I’m sure they’re hoping they can change you.”

I held the phone toward him so he could see the text. “Like this one?”


Hi! Dinner last weekend was amazing. Wanna do it again? My place this time?

“Brother, I’m shocked you even bothered with dinner and didn’t just take her straight to your place.”

“My place?” I huffed. “I don’t take anyone there. The last thing I need is for my address to get out like my phone number and have women showing up at my goddamn front door.”

“You don’t think they can find where you live?”

The thought alone had me unbuttoning my shirt another hole, the collar now two buttons wide. “They can, I’m sure, but I bought it under the name of my trust, making it a little more difficult to find. Besides, I have cameras everywhere, and it would be impossible for them to get through my gate.”

“Unless they climbed it.”

“Dude”—I reached for the bottle and guzzled down several gulps—“stop.”

He laughed. “What was her name?”

“Whose name?”

He nodded toward my pocket. “The one who texted you.”

“I have no fucking idea.”

He took the bottle from me. “You don’t remember last weekend?”

“Listen, when it comes to that side of my life, things don’t just go down on the weekends. I meet up with women during the week too. And between Wednesday and Saturday, there were three brunettes. So, at the moment, I can’t differentiate one from the other, nor can I recall their names.”

“You fucking dog.”

I smirked. “Before Rowan, you weren’t any better.”

“That’s the truth.”

I took my phone back out. “One way to ensure they’ll never see me again is to become clingy.” I deleted the text and returned the phone to my pocket.

“You mean you’d be into one if she actually played hard to get?”

Would I be into one?

I thought about his question, really diving into the words.
