Page 1 of The Sinner

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Commercial airlines weren’t for people who had billions’ worth of assets. But since my younger brother had booked our private jet before I had the chance to reserve it, that was exactly what I’d been stuck with—waiting for my flight to take off to Edinburgh to look at property for a new hotel. It didn’t matter that I was stretched out in my own pod or that I’d been greeted with a glass of scotch when I stepped into first class or that a five-course meal was being offered during the seven-hour flight.

I was fucking pissed.

I didn’t want to people—my family would say that was because I was a grumpy asshole; I referred to it as being selective. I hadn’t wanted a three-hour layover at JFK that I’d just barely recovered from since I couldn’t get a direct flight from LAX. I didn’t want to deal with the crowd during the chaos of deplaning and claiming baggage and locating my driver when they’d normally be parked directly outside the plane.

Macon had already gotten an earful when I found out he and his girlfriend were taking our jet to Hawaii to visit her family. But the conversation I’d had with him a few days ago over this wasn’t enough. He needed a verbal whipping because there was no reason he couldn’t be on a commercial flight and I could be the one flying in luxury across the Atlantic.

I pulled out my phone, getting ready to send him a scalding text, when Dominick’s name came across the screen. I connected the call and held my cell up to my face. “Tell me something good.”

Like myself, Dominick was the oldest Dalton brother—a group of lawyers my family not only did business with regularly, but we were also extremely good friends with them. And since Jenner, Dominick’s brother, had married my cousin, Jo, the Daltons were basically family now.

“As opposed to something bad?” He chuckled.

“Listen, not even a down pillow and a foot massage could make me a happy man right now.”

“We both know there’s only one thing that makes you happy, and you’re not getting it on that flight.”


There was nothing else that could turn this day around.

But I hadn’t seen anyone in this first-class cabin or in the flight crew who was hot enough to even make my dick hard. So far, during this entire trip, there was only one woman who had the power to do that. A flight attendant I’d seen about thirty minutes ago when I was coming out of the airline’s lounge to go to my gate. A blonde, far too fucking beautiful for her own good, with a body to die for. And just when I’d gotten a solid look at her, when I got the chance to appreciate her curves in that uniform, she’d disappeared into the sea of passengers.

I breathed in, wishing it were the scent of the blonde’s cunt rather than the bullshit recycled air that came through the vents. “You’re right. Damn it.”

“I hoped to catch you before you took off. I’m finalizing the plans for this weekend, and I wanted to make sure you’re still good to go to Kentucky. All the boys are in—Jenner, Ford, Declan, Camden—and I’ve confirmed with your brothers too. Just waiting on you, buddy.”

The Daltons; their soon-to-be brother-in-law, Declan; and my brothers would be going on a trip to the country’s best whiskey makers.

I could already taste the bourbon.

“Fuck yeah. Wouldn’t miss it.”

“Excellent,” he replied. “You’re in Edinburgh for just a couple of days, right?”

“Long enough to make an offer on a piece of land or purchase an existing hotel that I’m going to gut and make my own.”

Now that the Spades had merged with the Coles, our biggest competitor in the hospitality space, and the elders of both companies had retired, the seven of us—my two brothers; my cousin, Jo; the three Coles; and me—were running the business. Together, we’d decided that Edinburgh was the next location to house one of our five-star resorts, and I would be spearheading the project. The six others were an opinionated group, but I’d made it clear when I left LA that this was my hotel. They had picked the city; I chose everything else, and I gave zero fucks about what any of them thought, going forward.

“Do I dare guess that you’re taking a commercial flight back home?”

“Fuck off, Dominick.”

He laughed as I drained my last sip of scotch, setting it a little too hard on the small table beside me. The tumbler wasn’t out of my hand for more than a few seconds when a flight attendant, carrying a glass of amber liquid, started making her way over to me.

Not just any flight attendant.

The goddamn blonde I’d seen earlier at the airport. A woman so fucking gorgeous that my cock was throbbing inside my pants.

Man, wasn’t that some luck?

Things hadn’t gone my way when Macon scored the jet out from under me, but things were changing. Because it certainly wasn’t a coincidence that the flight attendant I’d gotten a semi over earlier wasn’t just on my flight, but was also assigned to the first-class cabin.

Now that I was much closer to her, unlike when we had been in the airport, I could take my time gazing at every inch of that face and body. Her long hair was curled around her cheeks, like I’d circled the locks around my fist and caused kinks in the strands. Her eyes were the deepest, most piercing blue. Her uniform, consisting of a light-blue button-down and knee-length skirt, left everything up to my imagination, and my imagination was wandering to a far-off, naked land. But what I could see from here was the outline of one perfect, extremely sexy body with tits that were perky and hips that were so enticing that I wanted her legs straddling me.
