Page 140 of The Sinner

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“I’ll have it taken care of,” I told him. “It’s not your responsibility to clean it. I appreciate you trying.” A thought hit me, a worry that went so fucking deep that I had a hard time getting out the question. “Was there any damage to the cockpit? Can you fly the plane?”

“The cockpit wasn’t touched,” the pilot responded. “Neither were the twin engines or anything external from what we can tell. I’m having a flight engineer check things out to be sure. So far, the damage only appears to be in here.”

Cosmetically, it could all be repaired. If he’d fucked with the guts of the plane, that would have made things much trickier.

“Brady …” Lily gasped as she stood in the mouth of the cabin, her voice small, weak. Her hand went over her lips as she took in what was before her.

She knew who had caused this wreckage, and her eyes told me she was blaming herself.

She was horrified.



I wanted to fucking murder that bastard for the both of us.


As she started to say my name again, I cut her off with, “Cooper, Macon, Jenner”—I stopped to think for a second, questioning if I should include Rhett and Ridge since they knew nothing about the situation, but quickly realized they owned as much of this plane as I did and they needed to be included—“Rhett and Ridge, I need to talk to you outside.” I pointed at the door and nodded, signaling for them to start moving.

I then walked over to Lily and put my hands on her cheeks. “I’m going to go talk to the guys about this. I’ll be right back.”

Her eyes were already filling with tears. “I’m sorry, Brady. I c-can’t … I don’t … I’m s-so, so?—”

“Baby, this isn’t your fault.”

“How c-can you say th-that?”

“Because it’s my fault. My fault that I haven’t stopped this motherfucker yet.” I pointed her eyes up at me, catching the first tear as it dripped. “Are you okay if I leave you for a few minutes?”

She took a breath instead of answering me.

“I need to know you’re okay before I can go anywhere, Lily.”

She nodded. “I’m okay.”

I gave her a quick kiss.

Now that the women and bodyguard had boarded the plane, I called Jo over, waiting for her to wrap her arms around Lily before I took off for the steps and met the guys on the tarmac. I knew they were going to tell their women about the conversation we were about to have. I was fine with that. I just wanted to have it with the men first, and I didn’t want to have to filter what I was about to say.

“Most of you know it was David who did this to our plane.” I crossed my arms before I threw my phone across the fucking runway. “I don’t know how he got it unlocked, but the motherfucker somehow made it happen, and he left this mess.”

Knowing Ridge and Rhett were lost, I said to them, “David is Lily’s ex-boyfriend. The dude isn’t right in the head.”

I gave them a quick rundown of his behavior, a fast-forwarded synopsis of what he’d done to Diesel to give them an idea of the type of person I was dealing with and why I couldn’t go to the police. I even pulled out my phone and showed them his most recent text.

“Aside from telling him you’re going to kill him, what else have you done?” Macon asked.

I explained how I’d researched David, how I’d had our assistant look into locating him so I could confront him myself, and how all attempts had been unsuccessful.

“He has a presence online. Loves to post on social media. I just can’t nail him down.”

“What would you do if you got your hands on him?” Jenner asked.

I hissed out a mouthful of air, my jaws locking, as I was holding them together so tightly. “I think the real question is, how long can I let this go on for?” I rubbed a palm over my other balled fist, envisioning what it would feel like if it connected to David’s face. “The biggest thing I’m worried about is his next move. Who else is he going to hurt? One of you? Lily? Our parents?” I let the reality of that set in for the second time today, and all it did was work me up more. “Is he going to burn down our corporate headquarters? My house?” I looked at each of their faces as I clenched my teeth. “Is he going to kill me?”

I wanted to fucking scream, and I wanted to beat something. I wanted to hit it so hard, again and again, until there was blood on my skin.
