Page 141 of The Sinner

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This wasn’t rage.

This went far beyond that.

“The asshole is getting through my personal security,” I continued, my voice as rough as sandpaper. “He’s getting through the security at our hotels. He’s getting through locks.” My arms dropped at my sides, both hands now squeezing into fists. “The dude’s like a goddamn ghost. How the fuck do you stop someone who’s as invisible as him?”

“There’s only one way,” Cooper said, his tone harrowing.

I ignored him and bellowed, “Because it won’t end unless I give her up, and I’m telling you all right now, I’m not giving up a woman who’s going to be my wife.” I shifted my gaze around the entire circle to reinforce that point.

There was a vibration in my pocket, and I lifted my phone to my face.


Are you asking yourself who or what is next?

You should.

When I showed the new messages to the guys, Cooper roared, “End him. That’s my answer. That’s how all this stops. There’s no alternative. I’m telling you right now if some asshole was pulling this shit with Rowan, I would do the same thing.”

“He’s right,” Jenner said. “You have no other choice.”

The group turned silent until Rhett broke the quietness with, “I think you all know I would have killed him already.” He rubbed his hand over the side of his black beard, showing the lion tattoo on his thumb. “He’s making your life hell. He’s making Lily’s life hell. This isn’t a job for the police. This is a job for someone who will put a bullet through his fucking skull.”

Ridge nodded. “I agree with Rhett.”

Jenner added, “You don’t want blood on your hands, brother. There are people out there you can hire who can do a much better job than any of us could.”

I nodded. “I’ve got a name.”

Macon was the softest of the group. That didn’t make him feeble. He just had a heart bigger than the rest of us. As I looked at him, I saw nothing fragile in his stare.

“If he hurts you or Lily or any of us, which he will, then this isn’t even a discussion. You need to protect your family, Brady, and Lily’s part of our family.”



Brady reached for me the second I climbed into his bed and pulled me toward him, immediately snuggling me against his chest. My head nestled in the spot just below his neck, my arm wrapped around his stomach, and our breathing matched as the quietness of the room took hold.

It was just us and the fireplace across from us, the gas spitting off a dull white noise.

But it felt like there was so much more happening inside this room. It felt like there were a thousand people in here, all screaming, David, at the same time.

We’d gotten home from Bangkok yesterday and not left his house since. We could probably use the excuse that we were getting reacclimated to the time zone, battling jet lag, and resting up before we had to leave for Edinburgh in a few days.

But I was positive that wasn’t the case for either of us.

Especially because Brady had made it clear that he wasn’t comfortable with me going to his Beverly Hills hotel to grab what I would need for our next trip. He said his assistant would go for me and bring anything I requested.

I’d become a prisoner again because of David.

But this time, Brady was too.

Not just in the physical sense, but mentally as well.

From the moment I’d stepped on the plane in Bangkok, David was all I’d thought about. My brain an endless maze of questions and worry.

Why was this man trying to destroy everything I cared about?
