Page 139 of The Sinner

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My stomach instantly sank.


I gripped the headrest of each seat as I walked through the cabin, knowing my knuckles were turning white from the pressure, the anger in my body building with each step. David had written MAKE YOUR CHOICE on the back of every fucking seat, along with the walls and windows, with what looked like black marker. The base of the seats had been sliced with a knife, where there were multiple rips in the leather, running vertically and horizontally, so the stuffing was coming out. The carpet was in similar shape, torn and shredded in many areas.

This was more than a mess.

This was devastation.

I headed for the galley, where bottles had been shattered, liquor and condiments splattered all over the walls, where the same words had been written across the wallpaper and over each cabinet. The flight attendant was in the restroom, the door open, where she was trying to clean up all the glass from the mirror he had shattered above the sink, where he’d also ripped off the toilet seat and graffitied the walls inside.

I couldn’t fucking believe what I was seeing.

David wasn’t just trying to make things difficult for me.

He was defacing and demolishing everything that meant something to me.

He was kicking me where it hurt.

But what was next?

My life?

Cooper’s? Macon’s?

My parents’?

Lily had said it before … and she was right.

He wasn’t going to stop.

My phone was still in my hand. My damn fingers shaking in rage as I turned the screen toward me, trying to flip through the notifications, finding the text I knew was waiting for me, but all I could see was fucking red.


Keep taking what’s mine, and I’ll keep taking what’s yours.

It’s your choice.


“What the fuck?!” Cooper yelled from behind me.

I turned around to see my brother’s face full of shock and concern.

A few seconds later, Macon appeared beside him, shouting, “Who in the hell would do this?” as he scanned the interior.

Rhett and Ridge were behind them, the same look coming through their expression.

“What the hell happened here?” Ridge demanded.

“This is bullshit,” Rhett added. “Who would do something this fucked up?”

“Oh God, no!” Jenner shouted as he joined us.

Aside from Ridge and Rhett, the guys knew there was only one man in this world who had balls big enough to do this.

Before I could reply to any of them, the pilot voiced, “We’ve been trying to clean things up. We don’t have a product that will take off the marker. But when we get back to LA?—”
