Page 14 of The Sinner

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His hair wasn’t strong enough to hold on to, so my palms slapped against the hardness behind me, pushing the sensations from my body into the drywall. It also helped keep me upright since the spasms were intense enough to take me down.

Not that Brady would let that happen. He had a grip on me that told me I wasn’t going anywhere.

Once I stilled, the bursts quieting to a murmur, I expected him to stop.

But he didn’t.

His licking was relentless, and even though he’d gotten what he wanted, it obviously wasn’t enough.

“One down. One to go,” he groaned as our eyes met.

He wasn’t going to let up. He was going to follow through with everything he’d promised.

But I couldn’t get off again. Not this soon. I was too sensitive. “I can’t?—”

“Don’t say that word to me. You can. You will. And I’ll prove it to you.”

His tongue slid up and down, from side to side, switching between the pad of his tip and the sweep of the whole width, each change giving me a new flutter.

It confirmed one thing.

His mouth owned me.

“Why do you taste so good, Lily?” His lids were now closed, as though he was savoring something he’d been dying to have. “Why can’t I stop? Why do I need more of you?” He moved faster. “And more.”

Words I found so sexy.

But from a man who, after today, I would never see again. That admission caused an ache from somewhere deep inside. At the same time, I was comfortable with that decision. It went both ways. My routine didn’t have room for him—or anyone.

There was just something about him being so different, about setting a precedent, that had me so turned on.

And it seemed he had the same reaction because his tempo increased, and so did his insistence—I sensed it each time his tongue neared the bottom and lifted. A pattern that repeated, but before I could get too used to it, there was a switch, and suddenly, everything became unexpected.

This man.

An experience I’d remember for the rest of my life.

And one I didn’t have to focus on—there was no concentration needed. His actions kept me present. They overwhelmed me. Because when you combined the movement of his tongue and the turning of his finger inside me, I was consumed.

He was ruling my body. Taking it just where he wanted it to go.

And that was toward an orgasm.

“Brady!” This time, the build was more extreme. And even though I knew his style and the result, that didn’t prepare me for what took hold of me. Because as it catapulted through my body, the force was even stronger than before. “Oh my God!”

The shudders hit harder, engrossing me to the point where I couldn’t even draw in any air.

“Yes,” he moaned, “that’s what I want.” He licked faster. “Give me your cum. Let me fucking taste it.”

Hearing him beg for my orgasm was the hottest thing ever.

Something I’d probably never recover from.

Something I’d probably never hear again.

“Come on my fucking face.”

The ripples were endless, like I’d lit a match, and they were igniting through every muscle, vein, even the blood in my body.
