Page 13 of The Sinner

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I wasn’t sure I could wait that long.

Not if he kept this up.

And certainly not if this pace continued.

“You’d better start licking now, then,” I warned him.

“Is that what you want? For me to lick your pussy?” He stared at me with such hunger.

An appetite I wanted to feel between my legs.


“You’re going to come on my tongue just like I want you to?”

I nodded.

“And you’re going to let me taste it?”


He gave me another kiss. “Just to make it clear, Lily, doing this is just as much for me as it is for you.” He instantly got on his knees, his finger no longer inside me, and in its place was his face.

I gripped his hair, locking our eyes, while he pressed his nose against the top of me, like he was trying to inhale me.

“I knew you’d smell amazing, but I didn’t anticipate something as good as this.” He stayed right there, closing his eyes, taking another breath. “The perfect body and the perfect fucking scent.”

When his eyelids opened, he looked at me as if I were that piece of art. But not one he’d ever seen before. He stared like I was a painting that couldn’t be valued.

That I was a piece desired by every collector in the world.

My head banged against the wall, trying to pull me from this moment, and I did it once more as I felt the first flick of his tongue.

It wasn’t quick.

He dragged it down the whole length of my clit, from top to bottom, and just as I attempted to take in some air, he added a finger, plunging it into me.


As soon as his name came out of my mouth, he focused on the peak, swiping across it with a heavy pressure. He would switch to massage mode, grinding his tongue against me before sucking my clit into his mouth. From there, he would hold the end and flick more.

This was a mix I’d never had, an erotic attack that had me screaming.

And every time I released more air, I could see the desire on his face.

He wanted me to come.

His eyes told me that.

His tongue proved that.

His finger solidified that.

So, I gave him one.

Because I literally couldn’t hold it in a second longer.

“Yes!” I shouted just as the tingles from my stomach shot through the rest of my body, and what came with it, what it brought on, were shudders. They moved through me like waves, rough seas, a riptide that wasn’t safe for swimming. “Brady!”
