Page 15 of The Sinner

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“Ahhh!” I swallowed, inhaled, and followed that up with, “Fuck!”

I was a mess of trembles and screams, and he licked past each one, waiting until the shimmying calmed. He lifted me, tossing me over his shoulder as if I were only a couple of pounds, and placed me on his bed. He left me to go into the closet, returning with a metal foil. He tore off the corner with his teeth and rolled the condom over his hard-on.

“Do you always travel with those?”

He climbed onto the bed, lying next to me. “I don’t go anywhere without one.”

I laughed, his truth unsurprising. For a man who looked like him, he probably got laid everywhere he went.

“If this is the way you treat all flight attendants, I imagine they come in handy.”

“My company has its own jet. You’re the first commercial-airline flight attendant I’ve met in years.”

He climbed on top of me and kissed me, his lips still wet from me. His tongue covered in me. And his smile, when he pulled away, told me he knew that I was all over him, and that was one of the reasons he’d put his mouth on me.

He’d wanted me to taste myself, and he’d succeeded.

But instead of addressing it, I said, “I would have returned the favor had you not put the condom on.”

“When I said I was licking your pussy for me, I wasn’t kidding. That was no favor, Lily.”

I touched his mouth, the thick whiskers that surrounded it, the softness of his lips. “You do that for everyone?”

“No.” He chuckled. “But for some reason, I had to do it for you.”

“You made it memorable.”

He bit my lower lip, holding it in his mouth until he released it to reply, “I ate you like I couldn’t get enough of you. I still can’t.” He rose from the spot next to me, and while he balanced on his knees, he positioned himself between my legs, lifting my ass just high enough that I was in line with his dick. “And I’m about to get more.”


“With you,” he said, “fuck yes.” His tip was aimed at my entrance. “I need you to touch yourself.”


His eyes narrowed in the most feral way. “Yes.” He waited until my hand went to my clit. “I need you to rub it hard, like I just did with my tongue.”

There was only one reason he would want me to do that.

“Because you’re about to break me …”

He grinned. “Because you’re about to experience what a fucking man feels like, and I need to make sure you don’t get too far inside your head.” My brows lifted as he added, “I get the feeling you would, and I’m not going to let that happen.”

I’d only circled my clit a few times when his crown broke through, sliding into my wetness.

“Fuck,” he moaned, his head falling back. “You’re even tighter than I thought you’d be.”

“And now, I know why you wanted me to touch myself,” I panted.

If I really put my mind there, I could get lost in the pain. Sex with Brady was like being a virgin again. He wanted it to stay all about pleasure.

But what he didn’t know was that I didn’t have to touch myself to get lost. I could do that by just looking at him. The way his abs constricted when he drove into me. The way his lips parted, turning almost animalistic. The way his hands gripped me as if I were tinier than a stick.

God, he was beautiful.

The dominance, rhythm, the way he turned his hips, hitting spots within me that had never been touched before—it wasn’t going to be long until I was screaming again.

“Why do you feel so different, Lily?”
