Page 77 of Cade

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Addi waves a hand. “It’s hard not to, I know.”

“I’m Serenity, and this is Janine,” Serenity smiles, stepping up beside Ciara. “Welcome.”

“How did you all get so good-looking?” Clara laughs. “It’s like the gods shined down on this patch of the earth.”

Chuckling, I release her to go and get Skye from the grassy area all the babies are playing. Lifting her out, I press my lips to her soft cheek. “Baby girl, I got someone I want you to meet.”

Carrying her over, I stop in front of Clara, and I see her eyes immediately soften. “Oh, Cade, she’s perfect. She is so beautiful.”

Stretching her arms out, she takes Skye and brings her close, kissing her face as tears well in her eyes. “Hi sweetheart. I’m your aunty Clara. It’s so wonderful to meet you.”

Skye babbles and gives Clara the biggest, most beautiful smile.

Spike steps up beside me, a sly grin on his face as we watch my sister meet her only remaining family.

“Bet you’re glad you have a stubborn ass woman who doesn’t listen to a fuckin’ thing now, ain’t ya?”

“Shut the fuck up, Spike,” I smirk.

“He’s right, you know,” Addi sidles up to me. “It wasn’t worth all the big biker drama, now was it?”

“You nearly got yourself killed,” I point out.

“Pffft,” she waves a hand. “Minor details.”

Grinning, I pull her close to me.

“Fuckin’ love you, sugar.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t go getting too soppy on me, biker, I might think you’re getting weak in your old age.”

My hand goes down to her bottom, and I slap the round, perky flesh there. “Careful, sugar, I’m not past takin’ you inside and bendin’ you over the nearest couch.”

“Do it,” she teases.

My smile, the biggest it has been in a long time, feels almost unreal.

I’ve never been so fucking happy.

My life is precisely where I always wanted it to be.

And, for the first time in forever, I have a family again.

It doesn’t get much better than this.


“Ohhh, girl,” I say, staring around the new campus that Ciara will be studying at for a few days a week. “This is niiiiice.”

She laughs. “It’s not bad, right? I mean, it’s only small and most people just come in from outside, but I’m hoping to meet some new people. There is a heap of study groups I’m going to join.”

“Look at you go. Like a little college student, off to create a life for yourself. My baby is growing up.”

Patting her back, I giggle when she scoffs. “Stop that. I’m a damn queen now. You can’t have me looking weak.”

“Do you think you’ll have a hot professor?” I ask as we walk through the grounds, getting to know the place before she starts.

“I hope so, just because I don’t really want some ugly, angry old man barking at me for two days a week. Most of it is prac work, which is pretty exciting.”
