Page 76 of Cade

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“Don’t be sorry,” Cade rasps. “Talk to me.”

“I ran, you know why. I was terrified Marshall was going to kill me. At that moment, the only thing I could do was run. After Darth, I was heartbroken, and I was terrified. I didn’t want to stay and risk your life, so I used my new identity and I started again. Years down the track, my past caught up to me. Marshall wanted something I had taken, and he tracked me down. I have never been so scared in my life. I thought I was safe. He promised to let me live my life if I returned it, so I did. It was a diamond Darth had stolen, a rare one.”

“How did that lead to you believing I was dead?”

Clara presses a hand to her chest, no doubt to calm her beating heart. “Just before he left, he told me that I hoped I knew just how much damage I had caused. He told me you were dead, at my hand. That what I had done, came back to you and that he had killed you. He...” she closes her eyes, a tear running down her cheek. “...he told me that I’d never f-f-find your body. Then he left.”

“You never double-checked?” Cade asks, his voice tight.

“I was terrified. He told me if he ever saw me again, he’d kill me. I had nobody to confirm it. I believed him. I had no reason not to. I am so sorry, Cade, oh...”

Her knees buckle, but he catches her before she can fall.

“You’re okay,” he murmurs, holding her up. “It’s all okay.”

“I can’t believe you’re here. Tell me this is a dream.”

“It ain’t a dream. I’m here.”

I decide now is the moment for me to step out of the room and let them have their moment together.

There is plenty of time for introductions.

I can’t help but feel like everything we have been through was worth it all for this moment.

Yeah, definitely worth it.



“Brothers,” I say, my arm around Clara’s shoulder. “Like to introduce you all to my sister, Clara.”

Standing in front of the club, I introduce my new family, to one I thought was long gone. It might just be Clara and me, but now she’s back in my life, I’m not going to make the same mistakes again. She deserves the brother who let her down, and I deserve to mend fences with the sister I lost.

We spent a few days in Florida getting to know each other, and immediately, it was as if nothing changed. She’s married now, with two sons, and we were welcomed into the family with open arms. Addison and her were an immediate hit, and the two of them connected in a way that made me so fucking happy I felt a part of myself heal instantly.

Clara wanted to come and meet my family and Skye, so she agreed to fly back with us. She was nervous, for obvious reasons. Marshall being around ain’t something she was comfortable with, but I told her our business with Marshall was finished, and the club would never let anything happen to her.

I mean that, with my whole fucking soul.

“I see the family genetics are strong,” Spike steps forward, a sly grin on his face. “Pleased to meet you, beautiful.”

“Back off,” I growl at him.

Clara giggles.

“Heard all about you,” Jackson grins at her. “Pleased to meet you, sweetheart.”

“Are you all this nice?” Clara asks, her voice soft but light.

“Not all of us,” Goat grunts, but gives her a wink.

“Tell us, princess, how did you get linked to this scoundrel,” Muff asks, extending a hand. “My name is Muff, I’ll let you figure out why.”

“Stop tormenting this poor lady,” Ciara says, pushing through the crowd. “Don’t you listen to them honey. I’m Ciara, Addi’s bestie.”

“It’s lovely to meet you. I can see why you love Addison.”
