Page 78 of Cade

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“Ciara giving injections, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”

“What did I miss?” Serenity runs up, huffing and puffing.

“Grandma, you need to get your health in order,” I tease.

Shooting me a glare, Serenity balls her fists and waves them in my face. “I’ll fight you, Addison. Here and now.”

“Sorry, mommy, don’t hurt me,” I say, shielding my face.

She throws an arm around my neck, putting me in a chokehold.

“Enough you two,” Ciara scoffs between laughs. “We’re in a damn public place, and you’re getting funny looks.”

Releasing me, Serenity gives me a scowl that tells me this isn’t finished. I can’t help but laugh. “Come on, let’s join this tour group and see what kind of eye candy we can get.”

Ciara shakes her head, partially horrified but amused.

We meet where the tour group is leading the new students around. There are about six women and two men, and they’re all either Ciara’s age or a bit younger, ready to start their futures. We fall in next to them, and a man turns around, staring at us. He’s probably Ciara’s age, wearing glasses, his hair messy, a goofy smile on his face. He’s adorable.

“Are you all new here?”

“She is,” I jab a thumb in Ciara’s direction. “We’re here for support.”

“I’m Paulie. It’s my second year, but I like to meet the new students and give them all the good details. You want a private tour?”

We all grin.

Yeah, we like Paulie already.

He leads us away from the group, and we walk through the school where he points out the different classrooms and the large area where they do all the practical work. He tells us how it is a small school, but it is incredibly supportive and brings out some amazing nurses and medical students. I can’t wait to come and visit Ciara here, I’m a little envious that she is creating a new chapter in her life.

But I’m so proud of her.

“All the teachers are great, except for Pervy Pete.”

“Pervy Pete?” Ciara asks, her brows raising.

“Yep. All the girls call him that because he is known for accidentally grabbing them in private places.”

“He what?” I cry out. “Show me him, right now, I’ll take that old bitch down.”

Paulie laughs. “You girls are savage. I love it. Trust me, he’s careful about it. Accidentally dropping a ruler and leaning down to pick it up, grazing them accidentally or the best one yet, he tripped and fell into her breasts.”

Serenity giggles then presses a hand over her mouth. “It’s not funny, I know, but seriously how is this guy getting away with this.”

Paulie smirks. “Don’t worry, we make it our mission to torment him. Just last night, we ordered twenty pizzas and had them delivered. He had no choice but to pay for them. Serves him right, the animal.”

Ciara looks to me. “I think I’m going to like it here.”

“Oh girl, you will love it. I’m visiting all the time. I need in on this.”

Paulie laughs. “Where are you staying?”

“Just at the rooms they rent out a few blocks down. I’m rotating with two other girls, so it isn’t too bad.”

“I’m there too,” Paulie grins. “We have some great parties.”

Ciara grins. “Can’t wait.”
