Page 75 of Cade

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“Ah,” she murmurs, her eyes darting between him and me. “May I help you?”

“We’re here to see Mary Theodore,” Cade murmurs, his voice scarily smooth and husky. “She’s my sister.”

The woman nods, not even questioning his story.

She clearly doesn’t know a great deal about Clara, or she would probably know she has never mentioned a brother before.

Or maybe she has, who am I to assume.

“I’ll call her down. Please, take a seat.”

We move to the waiting chairs and sit down, my eyes don’t stray from the only door that leads to the large offices out the back. It’s some kind of accounting firm, which gives me hope that Clara has done something amazing with her life, and that maybe she came out of this with a happy ending.

The door opening has Cade and I pushing to our feet.

The woman I see coming before us doesn’t look a great deal like the only photo I’ve seen of her, but it’s definitely Clara. That stark resemblance to Cade is impossible to ignore. Her hair is lighter than his, with help from a hair stylist, and the blond locks fall around her shoulders. Her eyes are the same brilliant green and the way she holds her expression is so like his, I can’t help but feel a little warmth inside.

She’s only small and petite, but she looks healthy, she looks well-kept and well put together in her straight skirt, blouse, and flats.

Her eyes lock onto Cade’s, and she pauses, her lips parting, her eyes widening and her hand dropping to her side. For the longest moment, they just stare at one another, and the room feels heavy with so many unspoken words that if someone doesn’t speak soon, I might just run with how uncomfortable it is.


Her voice comes out as a croaky rasp, her hand raising up to press against her chest as she stares at him.

“Long time, sister,” he murmurs, the emotion in his voice so heavy there is no way he can cover it.

“I need a minute,” Clara says to the person beside her. “Close my calls for the afternoon. This is urgent.”

The woman nods, turning and walking away.

Clara takes a step closer, her face still twisted in disbelief. “H-h-how did you find me?”

“Is there somewhere we can talk?” Cade asks.

She nods, and we walk silently to a back room. When the door is closed and locked, Clara turns to Cade and steps forward, her fingers stretching out as she places her fingertips on his face. Eyes welling with tears, she stares at him for the longest moment, as if in full disbelief. “How are you here?”

He looks at her, confused.

A tear breaks free and rolls down her cheek.

“What do you mean how am I here? You went into hiding and never told me what happened?”

She steps back, shaking her head. “You’’re dead. I thought...”

A loud cry escapes her throat, years of pent-up grief as she leans against the table. I can’t help it, I rush over and take her hand, holding it even though she has no idea who I am. I process her words, just as Cade does. Dead? She thought Cade was dead? How could that be?

“What are you talkin’ about?” Cade murmurs, his voice thick with emotion.

“Is it really you?”

“It’s me.”

She releases my hand and lunges at him, throwing her arms around his neck and pressing her face against his chest. Her sob echoes through the room and I fight with everything to keep mine in. I don’t want to make this moment about me, but it’s so damned hard not to shed a tear watching the two of them. The emotion they’re sharing right now is strong, radiating so heavily through the room.

She loves this man. There is no doubt about it.

“I’m so sorry,” she steps back, wiping her tears.
