Page 74 of Cade

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“I’m so excited, it’s in the city so only a two-hour drive. I will stay for two nights at a place nearby campus and do two days, then return home for the remainder of the week. Spike is going to take care of the kids. I won’t start until Mercy is six months old, but I’m so damned happy. I always wanted something to challenge my mind.”

“This is awesome, I can come to the city for girls’ nights,” I say, grinning.

“Like fuck,” Cade mutters.

I shoot him a grin. “We both know I’m going to win that one.”

He grins. “No college boy is puttin’ his hands all over my woman.”

“You’re not threatened by them pin dicked, pimple faced boys are you brother?” Spike teases.

“Shut the fuck up.” Cade throws in his direction.

I giggle.

“Well, I’m so happy for you, Ciara. Seriously. This is awesome news.”

“I can’t wait. It’s going to be weird, being without the kids for a few nights, but I’m just so ready.”

“Better not go fallin’ in love with some professor or somethin’,” Spike teases, lightly. “I’m tryin’ to better myself and not commit murder.”

“I’ll try. But you know, they’re apparently pretty hot in that school...”

“Careful, tomcat,” He warns. “I can come with you and make sure you behave.”

“Calm down, Danny,” She grins. “I’m not about to fall in love. You’re enough hard work. Why would I want another one.”

He grins, devilish and cheeky.

God, I love these two.

“We should celebrate!” I say. “Bar tomorrow night?”

“You women need to stop drinkin’ and start doin’ more cookin’ or something,” Spike chimes in.

“Take your sexist ass and kick it for me,” I say to him. “We’re not house slaves.”

Spike chuckles. “Love it when you get feisty, precious.”

“We might be besties, Spike, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take you down.”

“Enough you two,” Cade cuts in. “You bicker like little fuckin’ children.”

“Come on,” I say to Ciara. “Come and tell me all about this new venture.”

I’m so damn happy for her.

So damn happy.

TAKING CADE’S HAND, I know it won’t make a single ounce of difference for what we’re about to do. Standing at the reception desk of the place where Clara is meant to be working, we have no idea if we’re on the right track or if we’re about to run into a wall. I hope we’ve been given information, and that all the hard work the club did in tracking Clara down was the right thing.

My chest feels heavy, like a weight is laying down over it.

I’m scared for him, but I’ll never let it show.

Deep down, I know he’s terrified, but as always, he keeps a calm and careful exterior.

The receptionist stares at him for a second, her eyes wide. I guess she probably hasn’t seen too many people like him come through these doors and he sure as hell stands out. His large black boots with chains, his ripped denim jeans, the tight black tee and that jacket that can cause more harm than good in the wrong place.
