Page 52 of Cade

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Serenity giggles beside him. “He’s just jealous. You all enjoy yourselves.”

“Keepin’ the legs closed, princess?” Muff asks and Serenity giggles.

“No, but Grandad is getting old now so he needs more sleep.”

Jackson’s eyes flash, and in a second he is up and out of the booth, throwing her over his shoulder as she squeals with delight. “I’ll show you Grandad, baby. You’ll be takin’ that back in a fuckin’ second.”

“Ew,” Addi buries her face into my neck. “Tell me when it’s over.”

Before I can answer her, I see Spike pulling Ciara off the dance floor, striding toward us with a determination that has my senses sparking to life. His eyes are on something, or someone, and he looks concerned. Turning, I see a face I haven’t seen in a long fucking time walking toward us, eight men trailing him.

Marshall looks the same as he did all those years ago, only older.

His brown hair is the same style and cut, and his eyes are the same empty black. His skin, always pale, is slightly more dehydrated than it used to be. He’s a big man, bulky and strong, but it’s his evil presence that gets most people in line. He would shoot us down in this bar without even blinking. That’s the kind of fucking monster he is.

“Take the girls, find Jackson, and do not fuckin’ come out until I tell you to,” I growl into Addison’s ear as I shove her off my lap.

She looks confused as she turns and stares at Marshall.

“Now,” I bark.

She moves quickly, as do the guys, and, in a moment, they’re gone. Not feeling a single ounce of relief, I stand and turn just in time to see Marshall stop in front of me. He was always taller than me, but over the years he doesn’t seem as strong. His muscle tone has faded, but I know damn well he doesn’t need it. He’ll fight dirty, he always has.

“Long time, Cade,” he murmurs, his voice scarily calm. “No need to send the ladies away, I’m not here to cause problems. Yet.”

The last word, and the way it rolls off his tongue, has my spine straightening. Spike is beside me, his presence overpowering, and Muff steps in on the other side. The guys at the other table are already up and behind us, ready for a fight. We outnumber him, but he’s not even close to looking scared.

“Tell your dogs to sit down, I’m here to talk.”

Spike flinches beside me, but he turns and waves a hand, and everyone sits.

“What the fuck do you want?” I growl.

Marshall grins. “You and I both know why I’m here, let’s skip the dramatics. Do you want to tell me why your little woman was scoping around on my turf?”

Keeping my calm, I say simply, “Lookin’ for my sister.”

Marshall looks slightly shocked by my answer, but then a smile spreads across his face. “Clara? Well, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. Pity about her, she was a pretty young thing, but no brains in that head of hers.”

It takes everything inside me not to punch his smug fucking face.

“Whatever it is you’re here for, spit it out. I don’t have all fuckin’ night,” I seethe.

He smiles, but it’s nothing but cold and empty. “I don’t appreciate people snooping around in my business. As I’m sure you’re aware, I don’t react well to that kind of situation. Your woman put her nose in my business, and I’m going to need to rectify that.”

“You so much as touch a hair on her head, I’ll hunt you down and gut you like a fuckin’ fish,” I bark.

“Now now, there’s no need to get testy, Cade. I’m sure we can come up with something.”

“What do you want?” Spike is the one to speak now. “Because, cunt, my patience is running out.”

Marshall looks at Spike as if he’s nothing more than a speck of dirt. “Bad language isn’t needed, biker. I’m here to make a deal.”

“Well, it’s your lucky night, because so are we,” I say, crossing my arms.

Marhsall grins. “Last time I checked, I was the one with the upper hand.”

“We have somethin’ you might be interested in.”
