Page 51 of Cade

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“The day you stepped into my life, it changed. I went from havin’ nothin’ in this world to care about, to everything. You are my everything. The idea of a world without you in it is enough to bring me to my knees.”

Addison squeezes him tighter, and I know it’s my moment to leave.

Taking Skye, I walk out the front where Spike is waiting by Jackson’s truck, a cigarette in his hand, leaning against it without a single care in the world. If everyone could live like Spike, the world would be a better place. I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve seen him scared.

“Hey, baby girl,” he drops the cigarette, crushing it out before reaching out and taking Skye from my arms.

“You’re right, take my daughter,” I mutter.

He chuckles and Skye smiles, reaching for the chain around his neck. “What’s yours is mine ...”

“You talk sense into Jacks, or is he here all on his own?”

Spike glances at me. “He wanted to come here. Man ain’t stupid, brother. He knew he fucked up.”

“Any word from Marshall? Did he figure out who was out there?”

Spike shakes his head. “So far, nothin’, which is either good or very fuckin’ bad. We’re preparing for an attack, one we don’t see coming, because a man like Marshall won’t let that shit go. If he figures out who Addison is with, he’ll make sure we know we’re messin’ with the wrong people.”

“She found a chip off a diamond. Got to be worth nearly twenty grand. Whatever they’re sellin’, it’s fuckin’ expensive.”

“No wonder Clara wanted to steal somethin’ from him if a chip alone is worth that much.”

“Bigger than I thought it was.” I grunt. “Not good.”

“We could make a deal with him. See if we can give him somethin’ he wants in exchange for information on Clara.”

“What the fuck could we possibly offer him that he couldn’t get on his own?”

“Wesley,” Spike murmurs. “We have worked out he is in some deep shit, judgin’ by the fact that Janine gave him the diamonds she found, I’d guess it is somehow connected to Marshall. He’s hidin’ from someone, and we know for a fact he has somethin’ that might interest them. We hand him over in exchange for information on Clara.”

It’s not a fucking bad idea.

Wesley is a piece of shit scumbag, and it wouldn’t bother me at all to hand his ass over. The problem is, we have to find him. He’s making that hard, and the only thing we’ve managed to find out is that he’s in hiding, and if I were to guess, I’d say Spike is right—he’s hiding from Marshall.

“How the fuck do we find him?”

Spike grins. “I’m certain we could draw him out if we had Marshall on board ...”

“Marshall don’t play nice; the chances of him workin’ with us are slim to none.”

Spike shrugs, grinning at Skye who is chewing the chain now. “Maybe, but it’s better than nothing.”

He’s right.

It is.

Now we just have to get Jackson to agree.

“GOD DAMMIT, YOU JUST had a baby, take it easy,” Addison calls, a huge smile on her face as she looks across the bar to where Spike and Ciara are dancing.

Ciara shoots her a smile and continues grinding against Spike in a way that should be illegal.

“Give them a break, baby.” I chuckle. “They’re livin’ the dream.”

Rolling her eyes, Addi turns back to me and slides onto my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I know a good bar out the back.”

“Fuck me,” Jackson grunts. “The lot of you need to do this shit elsewhere.”
