Page 53 of Cade

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He looks curious, enough to give a sharp nod for me to go on.


I only need to say a single name, and I know that he is immediately curious because of the small, sadistic smile that spreads across his hideous fucking face.

“You know where Wesley is?”

“I can find him. I also know he has what you might be lookin’ to sell. I know, because we gave it to him.”

Janine gave it to him, in hopes he would go away, and thus far he has but it’s only because the fucker is in hiding. He knows that people will come after the guns and jewels he has, and I know one of those fuckers is Marshall. It’s a stab in the dark, but judging by the look on Marshall’s face, he is looking for Wesley as much as anyone else is.

“What’s the deal, biker?” Marshall asks, his voice low.

“Simple. You tell me what happened to my sister and agree to leave the club alone, and we’ll deliver you Wesley and the things he has that you want.”

Marshall’s grin spreads across his face, and I can sense Jackson coming up beside me, his demeanor ready for a fight. I raise my hand, putting it across his chest, letting him know it’s good. I’ve got this.

“Your woman came into my territory and messed around with things she shouldn’t be messing with. You’re telling me your club isn’t going to want a piece of that?”

“I can fuckin’ assure you,” I grind out. “This club ain’t interested in what you’re doin’. We have our own business. My woman won’t come anywhere near your shit again and you won’t hear from us again.”

Marshall glances at all of us, his eyes scanning the now very quiet bar as everyone watches, terrified about what might happen.

“Very well. You bring me Wesley and she can deliver the items he has into my shipping container that is going out in three days, and we have a deal.”

“Why can’t you do that yourself?” I growl.

Marshall grins. “Oh, I can, but your woman stuck her nose in where it didn’t belong.”

“There is no fuckin’ way she is goin’ anywhere near you or your fuckin’ bullshit.”

Marhsall chuckles. “Then we don’t have a deal. Don’t worry, Cade, nothing will happen to her. I just want her to see the world she’s digging around in. Might make her think twice before she meddles in my business.”

“She’s goin’, then I’m goin’ too.”

Marshall shakes his head. “She delivers the items alone, or we don’t have a deal.”

“You think I fuckin’ trust you?” I bark.

“No, I don’t, but that is the only deal I’m willing to make. Take it or leave it.”

Panting with a rage I never thought I could feel, I step closer to him. “If you lay a single fuckin’ hand on her, I’ll gut you.”

Marshall smirks. “Noted. Now, do we have a deal?”

Grinding my teeth, I give him a sharp nod. I have no other choice. If I say no, we’re done for. If I don’t give him what he wants, he’ll bring hell down over the club and lives will be lost. There is no way I’ll send Addison in unprotected, though. He can demand what he likes, she will not be put in danger. I’ll find a way to make sure she’s safe.

“I’ll have my location delivered to you. You have three days to drop that son-of-a-bitch on my doorstep and get your woman to deliver those items to my shipment. If you don’t, we’re going to have a war that I promise you you can’t win.”

With that, he turns and walks out.




