Page 36 of Cade

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Charlie is a man of his word, so I believe him.

“It’s all forgotten. How are you?”

“I’m calling to tell you something I found out last night. You’ve got me invested in this case, and I can’t stop digging. From what I can work out, when Clara came out of those woods all bloodied and battered, it was because she was trying to retrieve something that her and Darth had stolen. She got caught, but managed to escape, then the two of them were never seen again.”

I press my lips together.

I promised Cade I wouldn’t look into this any further.


Just one question. Just one.

“Do you know what it was they stole?”

“I’ve found some reports from other people we’ve locked up, traced it back, and I think that someone was stashing stuff out there, weapons, jewels, money and they found out where it was. My guess, they were trying to steal it and make a run for it, but it went south. Just a handful of those jewels and they’d be set for life.”

Swallowing my million questions, I force myself not to ask them. “It’s not sounding good for them, is it?”

“Not if they got caught.”

Charlie goes quiet, then murmurs, “Marshall is a fuckin’ bad man. He has half this police force workin’ for him.”

“It really isn’t looking good then.” I sigh. “Thanks for helping me with this, Charlie, I really appreciate it.”

“Any time. If I find anything else, I’ll let you know.”

Hanging up the phone, I fight every urge inside me to go out into those woods and search. If there is something out there, something big, it could lead me to the people who last saw Clara. The club could find that location, of that I’m sure, but they’ll never help me. Not unless I can get Cade to agree.

Do I push the matter?

Is it worth the risk?

I don’t know.


Cade is underneath a car that is jacked up. The guys buy old cars, fix them, and flip them, just another way they make money outside of all the illegal shit they do. They’re not selling humans though, that’s a plus, right? Just drugs, probably weapons, I don’t know, and I don’t care to know. I never thought they were saints.

Sliding out from beneath the car, Cade looks up at me, grease smudged on his face, his hair messy, his shirt unbuttoned showing his bare chest. Well damn, I just forgot what I came here to talk about. Right now, I want to get down onto the ground and climb him like a damned tree. Fuck he looks good. Biting my lip, I try to focus my thoughts on the task at hand.

“Did you come here to fuck me with your eyes, sugar, or do you have a question?”

God, why does his voice have to be so husky?

“Why do you have to roll out of there looking like that?”

He grins, sitting up, his abs flexing and tightening as he does.



Glancing around, I see nobody is in here, and I can’t help myself. I drop to my knees and crawl toward him. When I reach him, I press my mouth to his, kissing him until my body is aching.

“Baby,” he murmurs, “I’d love to fuck you right now, but I’m busy.”

“It’ll just take a minute,” I whisper, biting his lower lip. “I can make it quick.”
