Page 37 of Cade

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He growls, his hands sliding to my hips and hauling me onto his lap. “You make it so fuckin’ hard to say no.”

Grinning, I reach down between us and undo his jeans, freeing his cock. Then, I lift my dress around my waist, slide my panties to the side and sink down onto him. He’s already hard, and as he fills me, I moan with utter delight. I don’t know what it is, but lately I just can’t get enough of him. His smell, his body, his face, everything about him drives me wild.

Hand on my lower back, he growls as he rocks me, hard and fast. I swirl my hips, riding him, my fingers tangled in his hair, my mouth on his, as I fuck him deep. His growls of pleasure against my lips are enough to send me over the edge, and just the mere sight of him is enough to make my orgasm so intense I’m forced to pull my mouth from his as a moan of pleasure tears out of my throat.

He cums with me, his cock jerking inside my body, and fuck, I want to go again.

I want to stay on his lap all day, but I know he has things to do.

Pulling back, I smile at him as he reaches up and swipes a line of grease off my cheek. “You’re insatiable,” he growls.

“You make me that way.”

Kissing him once more, I climb off his lap and adjust my dress. He does his jeans up, not once having moved from his spot on the little roller he is sitting on that slides beneath the car. Crossing his arms, he watches me, and I know he’s waiting for me to ask what it is I came here for.

“Go on,” he murmurs. “Tell me what you came to say, you’ve softened the blow.”

I bite my tongue for a minute, and then blurt, “I know who Clara and Darth were working for.”

His eyes flash, and he lays down on the roller and goes back under the car.


“Cade, I know you said to stop looking, and I have, but I can’t help but think about the information I already received. It’s eating at me. I can’t just forget about it. Please. Just hear me out, let me tell you what I know, and if you don’t want to take it further, I’ll respect that.”

He pauses, and even though I can’t see his face, I know he’s thinking about it.

He rolls back out, just enough to look at me. “Who?”

A little hope sparks inside me.

“His name is Marshall. That’s all I know. He was running the show. I heard from Darth’s sister that she thinks they stole something from him, turns out they did. They found where he was stashing his goods, somewhere out in the woods, and Clara tried to steal it ... They haven’t been seen since.”

Cade’s eyes flare with the kind of rage I’ve never seen. “Marshall?”

I nod, terrified by his expression.

He rolls all the way out, pushing up to his feet. Then he launches his wrench across the room, and it smashes into the wall. A roar of frustration leaves his chest, and I take a step back.


His eyes dart to mine. “Fuckin’ Marshall.”

My heart skips a beat. “You ... you know him?”

Fists clenched, Cade grinds out, “I found out who they were working for. I wanted him to release them, considerin’ she wouldn’t stop on her own. Went to him, he had me do some jobs for him, dangerous ones, and we made a deal. He’d never touch her again, and he’d release them.”

Shaking my head, I try to wrap my brain around what he’s saying. “If he released them, then where are they?”

Cade looks away, and I can see he’s not telling me something. He knows more about this than he’s letting on.

“You’re not telling me everything,” I say. “You want me to stay out of it, to be on your side, but you’re not being honest with me.”

His eyes dart to mine, furious and cold. “I knew they were goin’ to steal from him, and I did nothing to stop it. I was so fuckin’ angry that I let her do it ...”

My eyes widen, and I press a hand to my chest. “What? You didn’t even try to stop her?”

“She made her fuckin’ choice, Addison. I tried to get Marshall off her back, and he was willing to let them go but her and her greedy fuckin’ man couldn’t stop themselves, they thought they could steal and get enough to go live some amazing life together. I overheard them talkin’ about their plan one day when I went around to try and talk to her one last time, and I knew it didn’t matter what I did, she was goin’ to get herself so tangled in that world that she’d never get out.”
