Page 35 of Cade

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I do wonder sometimes if one day, the age gap between her and my dad might bother her.

I wouldn’t dare say it, though, because I know she loves him more than life.

“Well, I’m glad, you two are like the OG. You can’t fight, if you’re both fighting then the rest of us are toast.”

I laugh, pouring another beer for Goat and sliding it across the bar. It’s not the only thing I do here, I clean and keep the fridge stocked. I’m basically a biker bitch, but I don’t mind. I love it here. “Come on now, you can’t base your world on Cade and me, lord knows I’m going to stuff up a million times more yet.”

She laughs. “You do have that stubborn streak. Speaking of, did he take the bait?”

She’s leaning in a little closer now, so Goat can’t hear.

“I don’t honestly know, he didn’t say a word about the information I left out, but I could tell it had been moved. I’m going to speak to Darth’s sister again today, she said she has a little more information that might help.”

Serenity frowns. “Cade will flip if he finds out.”

I give her a big, albeit fake, smile. “It’s just information. It can’t hurt ...”

“Addison, you are going to get your ass kicked.”

Tossing my hair over my shoulder, I give her a real smile now. “Well, luckily for me, I like it.”

As I say that Spike and Muff walk into the bar, Spike’s knuckles still bloody from last night. God only knows what trouble they got themselves into.

“Hey, bestie.” I wave to Spike. “Hey, Muff!”

“Precious,” Spike murmurs.

“Princess, how are you?” Muff grins.


I do love being here.

“Fantastic. My man is happy with me again, so the world is once again right.” I grin.

“God knows the poor man has to have some patience when it comes to you,” Muff murmurs, grinning.

“Hey now, I’m an angel.”

Spike snorts.

I shoot him a look. “Excuse me, sir, but you’re no walk in the park.”

He winks at me.

“Well, whatever it is you’ve got your man thinkin’ about, he’s distracted as fuck.”

My brows go up. “Is that so?”

Serenity takes my arm, shooting Spike a look. “Do not encourage her, Spike. She’s already gotten herself into enough trouble.”

My phone rings from my purse—wondering if it’s Cade, I move away and get it, picking it up to see Charlie’s number flashing across the screen. Guilt crushes me, mostly because he hasn’t spoken to me since he tried to kiss me and I do want to clear the air. Even if it’s highly unlikely I’ll ever see him again, I don’t want to leave things on a bad note.

Answering the phone, I step out of the room.

“I was starting to think you’d never talk to me again,” I say, my voice soft.

“I’m an idiot,” he murmurs. “I’m sorry, Addison. I acted like a fool. I know you’re taken, I should have never crossed that boundary. It won’t happen again, I swear it.”
