Page 19 of Cade

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“What the fuck?”

Danny stares at me, then back to Clara. He’s seen her around, he knows who she is, but he hasn’t had much to do with her. I keep it that way for a reason.

“He was tryin’ to kill her,” I tell Danny, stepping aside so he can walk in. “I lost it. If I call the cops, they’ll lock me up.”

“Because you tried to kill him,” Clara cries.

“Protectin’ you,” I bark.

“Let me handle this,” Danny says, walking toward Clara.

Leaning down, he speaks to her. What he tells her, I don’t know, but her eyes keep moving back and forth to mine before she sniffles and nods.

“We’re callin’ it in, but she agreed to say it was self-defense. You’ll probably get a charge, but it won’t be much.”

I stare at the limp body on the ground.

“It was fuckin’ worth it.”

“Not if he dies it wouldn’t be,” Danny mutters. “I’ll call.”

Frozen in place, I stand until the police officers arrive and put me in cuffs. I listen as Clara brokenly tells them that he was beating us, and I was protecting her. Self-defense. Still, due to his condition, they have no choice but to take me away, at least for questioning. As I’m being dragged out the door, I pray to anyone who is listening.

Please, just let him fucking die.

“YOU’RE AVOIDING ME,” I grunt in Adder’s direction as I throw my leg off my bike and stare over at him just getting on his.

He glances at me, then looks down at the ground, his jaw tight. “Fuck, I wish I wasn’t in this position, but I gotta tell you what I saw when I followed your woman.”

Chest tightening, I step up to his bike, leaning down close. “Better start talkin’ and make it fast.”

“She was havin’ lunch with someone, some guy ...”

Feels like a knife to the chest, even though I’m certain Addi wouldn’t cheat on me. Doesn’t mean the very picture of her with another man doesn’t swim through my mind. Letting the anger simmer down, I growl. “You gotta have more than that. What did he look like?”

Was it that fucker, Billy?

Surely, she wouldn’t go back to that limp dick piece of shit.

“Couldn’t see much. Dark hair, beard, seemed like her age or maybe a bit older. They were laughin’. He reached out, took her hand, looked pretty cozy.”

Who the fuck is she seeing and why?

Grinding my teeth, I give him a sharp nod.

I’ll follow her myself and find out who the fuck she’s running off to see. I know for a fact it will be something to do with the situation we’ve gotten ourselves into. Maybe Spike is right, maybe I should just tell her about my past and then she might just let it go. It’s worth the risk, because whatever she’s doing, it’s going to get her into trouble.

Walking into the club, I ignore anyone who speaks to me.

I’m angry, wild even.

I’m slowly losing control.

“You good, brother?”

Muff’s voice comes from behind me when I reach the bar and take an entire bottle, causing the girl behind it to stare at me with wide eyes. She doesn’t stop me, though. She knows better. If you’re a bar bitch in a biker club, you sure as shit don’t ask questions. Turning to face Muff, I take a sip and his eyes narrow.

“Well, that looks a whole lot like you’re not good. You want to tell me what’s goin’ on?”
