Page 20 of Cade

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“Nothin’,” I mutter.

His brows go up. “Oh, so you just enjoy drinkin’ at nine am for no good reason?”

“Fuck off, Muff. It ain’t none of your concern.”

Unbothered by my growling, he leans against the bar and crosses his arms. “We’ll try that one again. You want to tell me what’s goin’ on?”

“My woman won’t let shit go, that’s what’s goin’ on. She is refusing to fuckin’ back down.”

“Might not be my place, brother, but I’ll tell you somethin’ I learned just recently—best to tell them the truth and be open than it is to keep secrets. You gotta talk to her.”

I know he’s right, but I’m in no mood to hear it.

Fuck, life was easier before Addison.

Who am I kidding, I couldn’t imagine a fucking world without her.

God damned pain in my ass.

Slamming the bottle down onto the bar, I nod at Muff as I walk out.

I need to clear my head before I talk to her, otherwise the words that come out of my mouth won’t be nice.

Can’t make a bad situation worse.


Fuck calm.

Fuck her.

Fuck this.



I couldn’t help myself.

I messaged the woman named Celeste who commented on Darth’s post.

I need to know. I can’t get it out of my mind.

She might know what happened to Clara and Darth, and she might be able to help me find them.

She responded and agreed to meet, so I gave her the name of a local café and told her a time. Sitting nervously at the table, I scan the crowd waiting for her to arrive. She eventually shows, her blond hair tucked into a neat ponytail as her eyes fall on me. I’m guessing she studied my picture as much as I studied hers.

I stand when she reaches the table and extend a hand. “Celeste? I’m Addison. Thanks so much for coming.”

She offers a warm smile. “I was surprised by your message, but I’m glad you reached out.”

Sitting down, we order a coffee, and I get straight into it.

There is no point in pulling punches, I need to get right to it.

“Darth is your brother?” I ask, leaning over the table a little so I can hear her better in the busy café.

I could have picked a better location.
