Page 18 of Cade

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Flushing, I shake my head. “Now you’re just being nice. I ... can I have some time to actually ponder this?”

Jenny nods, reaching for the bottle. “Absolutely. Go home and enjoy your man, I’m going to take this bottle and join the party.”

When she leaves, I look to Cade who is watching me curiously. “You’re thinkin’ about it.”

“I mean, it’s hard not to think about it,” I say. “What I am thinking about for certain is how you’re going to finish what you started.”

Grinning, he hauls me back up on the bar, lowering to his knees as he pushes my knees apart, exposing my wet pussy.

“Don’t you worry about that; I’ve got you covered.”

Oh. He does indeed.


Cade – Then

“Cade, stop,” Clara screams.

I can’t focus on her voice as I drive my fist into his face, over and over again, even though he has stopped fighting back. I don’t care, there ain’t a single fucking thing I care about in this moment other than making him suffer. I want to see the life sucked from his body; I want to see him drowning in his own fucking blood. Everything about this moment feels well deserved, and I can’t bring myself to stop.

Over and over, I pummel his face.

“Cade!” Clara screams, shoving me until I stop hitting our father, my fists bloodied as I stare down at him.

He groans, but it’s barely there, his eyes are fused shut and there is so much blood on his face I don’t even recognize him.

“You put your hands on her,” I roar, taking his shoulders and shaking, as if that will do anything. “You can hit me, you motherfucker, but you will never put your hands on her.”

Clara sobs, her hand shaking my shoulder. “Please stop. Cade, you’re going to kill him.”

“Not a fuckin’ minute too soon.”

“Please,” she whispers. “Please, stop.”

Hand shaking, I lean back, staring down at the mess I made. He’s passed out now, and his breathing is ragged. I hit him so many fucking times I don’t even know what parts of his body I made contact with. He hit me back too, at first, until my strength finally got the better of him and I managed for the first time in my life to take control back.

Then, I couldn’t stop.

I came in and he was choking Clara, holding her against the wall, choking her until she was blue. She had come home with a boy, and he found out about it, and it’s safe to say that didn’t go down well. He rarely lays hands on her, but tonight, he was going to kill her. I could see it in his eyes, he wanted blood and he saw our mother when he looked at her. A cheap whore who couldn’t be controlled.

He wasn’t having any of it.

“Cade, I don’t think he’s breathing,” Clara gasps, dropping to her knees and lifting his head.

“Leave him,” I growl.

“We have to call for help. He’ll die. Cade, call for help.”

“If we call for help, I’ll go to prison.”

She shoots me a look. “He’s going to die. How can you sit there and just watch? Call for help.”

Turning, I take my cell from the counter and call, but it’s not for help. I call my long-time friend, Danny. I don’t tell him what is going on, I just tell him to get here as soon as he can. I don’t know how I’m going to explain this situation, because I’ve never involved him in my family life, mostly out of shame and mostly because I don’t want anyone to know the kind of cunt that brought me into this world.

Ten minutes later, Danny is at the front door.

Clara is wiping our father’s face, tears rolling down her cheeks. If that ain’t the very definition of a trauma bond, I don’t know what is. He can hurt her, insult her, bring her to her knees but it’s the little moments of nice that she has held onto and now, she doesn’t want to see him gone, even though deep down, she knows she’d be free without him.
