Page 17 of Cade

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My entire body jerks.

I’ve never seen this side to Cade, and I think I might just like it.

With a feral hiss, he releases my neck and steps back, his cock pushing against his jeans. Keeping my legs spread, I watch with desire as he reaches between them, sliding my panties to the side and exposing my pussy. A low, pleased rumble leaves his throat as he runs his tongue up my wet slit. “You like it when I hurt you,” he rasps, pushing a finger inside my heat, making me whimper with need.

“You have no idea,” I moan. “I like it when you do anything to me, Cade. It doesn’t matter what it is.”

Stepping up closer, he keeps his fingers inside me as he fucks me with them, bringing his mouth down over mine and kissing me with the kind of passion I’ve been craving from him since all of this unfolded. His muscles clench as he drives his fingers in and out of my pussy, curling them just right, bringing me close to the edge. His tongue does wicked things in my mouth, and just as I’m about to find my release, he pulls his lips from mine and removes his finger, leaving me aching.

His eyes swing to the door, and I curiously look over to see Jenny standing, her eyes wide as she watches us. My cheeks grow pink, and I go to leap off the counter, but Cade stops me with his hand to my chest.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t ... I didn’t realize you two were in here. I just finished my shift and wanted a quiet drink ...”

“You knew we were in here,” Cade murmurs, his voice husky and low.

What’s going on?

Cade keeps my legs spread by standing between them, and my cheeks burn knowing Jenny is getting a good look at my exposed flesh. She doesn’t seem to mind, in fact, she seems more than a little intrigued.

“Jenny here swings both ways,” Cade turns back to me, his voice low. “You ever had your sweet cunt licked by a girl?”

My eyes get big. “Cade ...”

“Say no if you don’t want it, sugar, but I’m tellin’ you she does.”

With burning cheeks, I look to Jenny, who isn’t saying anything, but the expression on her face tells me that he is right and she is thinking about it. God, I’m drunk, but not drunk enough for this. Right? I’m straight, straight as they come. I’m not sure I like the idea of a woman going near my bits, even if the thought of it is making me a little achy.

“I ... I’m not sure,” I say, softly. “I don’t think I swing that way, Cade.”

“Don’t have to swing that way,” he growls. “It’s called living. Tryin’ somethin’ new.”

“You want to watch a woman ... go down on me.”

A low, thrilled growl leaves his throat. “You have no fuckin’ idea. Can’t stand the thought of another man touchin’ you, but this ...”

“I think I’m too sober for this,” I mumble.

“That can be changed.”

Cade reaches over the counter for a bottle of whiskey and hands it to me. I meet his gaze. Could I do this ... do I even want to? Part of me is nervous and shy and all the feelings that come with something new, but part of me is incredibly curious. Taking the whiskey bottle, I take three big skulls before glancing at Jenny. She’s watching me, her face impassive, as if she’s trying not to put pressure on.

“Can we just ... take a minute,” I say, coughing as the liquid burns my throat.

Cade steps out from between my legs and I close them, feeling a little better that I’m not on display. Nodding in Jenny’s direction, he has her come in closer. She stops in front of us, taking the bottle he hands her. She takes a drink, her eyes on me, and then passes it back. God, I’ve never even considered being with a girl. I’m a mother. Do I dare do something so ... wild?

Looking to Cade, I see him watching me and only me.

“You want out, you say it, and we’ll go home,” he murmurs. “I’d never, not for a single second, make you do anything you don’t want.”

“Neither would I,” Jenny pitches in.

“You really swing both ways?” I ask her. “All this time, and I never knew that.”

She laughs, her accent thick. “It’s not so much that I swing both ways, it’s more that if I’m attracted to someone, I’m attracted to them. It doesn’t matter to me who they are.”

“You’re attracted to me?” I ask, quickly taking another sip of whiskey when Cade hands it back.

“Have you seen yourself, Addison? Everyone in this bar has their eyes on you.”
