Page 57 of Protecting Nikole

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I caught her hand and spun her to face me. Her gaze dropped to the floor, and I hated that I had done that.

Using the lightest touch, I lifted her chin until she looked back at me. “You are beautiful.”

She shook her head and tried to pull away, but I put both hands on her face to hold her there. “I’m serious. You’re a knockout. But more than that. You’re smart and tenacious. Sure, a little stubborn, but you’re strong. You are incredible, Nikole, and you deserve someone better than me.”

Her lips parted, and she sighed. It was the sexiest noise I’d ever heard.

She licked her lips. “Don’t say that. You’re-“

I pressed my thumb over her lips. I didn’t want to hear her words. I couldn’t take them. Not tonight. Too many emotions were rushing through my body, and if she said something kind to me right now, I would probably lift her over my shoulder, carry her to my bed, and make love to her.

“I’m an asshole, Nikole. I’m insensitive and I don’t understand women. I’ll disappoint you. I always do.”

She cupped my face with her hands and we held each other, staring into one another’s face, daring the other to let go.

She moved her face closer, her breathing increasing rapidly. Her gaze fell to my lips, and my stomach, dropped down to my groin.

As she moved closer, she closed her eyes.

I should push away. Leave her now before I discover what she tastes like. But I was weak and my need for her was strong.

She gently pressed her lips onto mine and I closed my eyes, immersing myself in the softness of her kiss. She opened her mouth slowly and breathed in the air between us.

I held myself back, allowing her to lead the kiss, letting her pull back if she wanted to.

But then she did something that I hadn’t expected. With the tip of her tongue, she flicked the top of my lip. The sensualness of that one touch snipped the last strings of my composure.

With a moan, I grasped the back of her head and pressed my mouth against hers. Raising my hand, palm toward the wall, I stopped her before she hit it with her back. I breathed in one more time before closing my eyes and sipping at her mouth. I started slowly, not wanting to scare her. I took my time, sucking her bottom lip gently.

Then I pressed my tongue to her top lip. “Open for me,” I whispered. Her lips parted on a bated breath and my heart jumped at the chance to explore her mouth. I swept inside, finding her tongue shyly retreating. I flicked it with my own and I awoke something inside of her. She pressed her body against mine and groaned into my mouth.

I smiled.

“That’s it, baby,” I breathed. “Give what you’ve got. I want it. I need it.”

She moaned louder, and the vibration stirred my groin. It hardened for her and I pressed my hips against hers so she knew it.

Panting, she pulled her head up, and I kissed her neck, lapping up her vanilla scent. My hands found her hips and squeezed.

“Do you have a condom?” she panted.

“Yes,” I breathed against her neck. I pushed away, but she grabbed my hands. I reluctantly let her go, walking backward out of the room.

I ran down the hallway faster than I thought possible. Opening the drawer next to my bed, I ripped off a packet. About to race back to her, I stopped to grab another, knowing one time with her would not be enough.

As I jogged back to her room, my eyes caught her laptop on the desk and I froze.

“What is it?” she asked when she stuck her head out of the room. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t do this,” I said, not facing her.

“Why not?”

“Because you’re my client. I would be crossing a line.”

“Is that the only reason?” Her brow creased, and I didn’t like the uncertainty on her face. “Are you sure you’re not having second thoughts because of my, you know, my body?”

I whipped my head to face her. “You’re body?”
