Page 58 of Protecting Nikole

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What the hell was this woman talking about?

“Your body is amazing. Every curve, every dip, every part drives me to not just cross the line but erase it all together.”

She walked through the threshold and grabbed my T-shirt, fisting it in her hand.

“Then fuck the line. And fuck me.”

I swallowed. That was the sexiest thing anyone had ever said to me. I became hard again in an instant. She didn’t even have to touch me.

“Are you sure?” I begged.

“Yes,” she whispered and pulled me to her. Our mouths crashed together, and I picked her up and pulled her legs over my hips. I drank her kisses and ran my hands up and down her back until we fell onto the bed.

She giggled and pulled me down on top of her. I kissed my way down her neck and over her blouse. Slowly, I opened the first button and watched her chest rise and fall with anticipation. I wanted her to want me half as much as I wanted her. I wanted her to enjoy every second of it.

Removing her blouse, I pressed kisses to the top of her plump breasts, pushing her white bra away.

She groaned when my mouth circled her nipple and my dick jumped. Her groans reflected mine, and I thought I would come in my pants like a schoolboy.

There was no fucking way I would let that happen.

I unzipped my pants and released myself. I stroked up and down my shaft, relieving some of the pressure. She sat up and watched me as I pumped viciously.

Tentatively, she placed her hand on mine and pumped along with me. Her thumb circled my tip, spreading my pre-cum and teasing me to insanity.

Then she pushed my hand away.

I just wanted to breathe her in. I fought with my need for air against my need to have Nikole, all of her.

The uncontrollable feeling of release slowed, and I knew I could now take my time with her.

Her skin was warm as I caressed her shoulder, removing the straps of her bra. After unclasping the back, I threw the lacy material to the ground.

For a moment, I broke the kiss, enthralled by the glorious mounds of flesh in front of me. Her clothing had done a wonderful job of hiding the treasures beneath them.

“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” I said, licking my lips. I buried my face between her breasts and she wrapped her arms around me. It was difficult to breathe but I would die a happy man in between her cleavage.

My cheeks brushed against her softness while the tips of my fingers gently stroked her nipple. The peaks became rigid after only a few strokes and she arched her back with a groan.

“I love it when you make that sound,” I whispered. “Do it again for me.” I circled her right nipple with my tongue and explored the rest of her body with my hand. Finding the top of her panties, I pulled them to the bottom of her round ass.

Then, I lowered myself, kissing a path from her soft tummy to the paradise below. I yanked the panties the rest of the way off and spread her legs wide, kneeling between them.

I licked my lips as her pussy opened for me, like a flower blooming right in front of my eyes. With a growl, I dropped down like a slave to her scent and inhaled her sweetness.

I licked slowly from her entrance up to the top of her clit, and she nearly bucked me off with her hips. I steadied her with both hands and sucked on that spot until she moaned loudly. “Yes!” she panted. “Oh, yes!”

Her hips settled on the mattress, but I did not relent. I kept a steady pace of circling my tongue around her clit, over and over, while my hands gently rubbed her nipples.

Her legs began to shake, and I knew she was close. She let out a strangled cry, and I drank in all of her pleasure. I didn’t stop. Not when she bucked her hips up against me, not when she pulled my hair, not even when she screamed. No, I didn’t stop pleasuring her until her muscles softened underneath me and her breathing slowed. When she finally rubbed her eyes and rocked her head from side to side, I pulled away.

“Do you need a minute?” I asked, my dick throbbing at her entrance.

She nodded, and I waited, kissing her ear, her neck, and running a hand along her hair. She inhaled a couple of deep breaths and then nodded. “I’m ready.”

I smiled and kissed her collarbone, and then the top of her breasts.

I must have been going too slowly for her because Nikole took matters into her own hands, or rather my dick into her hands. She circled me and guided my tip to her entrance. “I want you now,” she growled, and I chuckled.
