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When they were completely nude, they knelt on the bed on either side of me and eased my nightie over my head. And then Koruk bent to “remedy” the fact that he and I had not kissed yet. Oz was masterful, firm, his lips and tongue teaching me whole new ways to me, but Koruk’s kiss was all sweet heat, and I couldn’t have said which I liked better.

“Malinda,” he said when he paused for breath, “we don’t have to make love tonight if you’re not ready. We would lie with you and just be together and still be happier than we’ve ever been in our lives.”

“And leave me in need like this? Aren’t you alpha shifter types supposed to be all about your woman’s pleasure?”

Koruk burst into laughter. “You got that from a novel, right?”

My cheeks burned. “Yeah…”

“Well, remember we waited for you, so we’re kind of an untried element, but, mate, your pleasure will be ours.”

I licked my lips, swollen from their kisses already. “When do you bite me?”

“We don’t bite.” Oz lay down next to me and grazed his fingertips over the side of my breast.

“Unless you are into that.” Koruk lay on my other side and did the same. “Just show us where.”

“No, I’m not. I thought…don’t you have to, to mate with me?” Wasn’t it a rule?

“Gargoyles don’t do that, but what we would love to do is make love to you at the same time, if you think you would be willing to try.” Oz bent and sucked the tip of my breast into his mouth, toyed with it, and nibbled.

“Yes.” I wanted that, too. I had never been with more than one man at a time, but I wanted these two. It felt important. Like maybe that was the mating act? “I trust you both.” Because they truly were large and if they were not very careful… “I’ve never had, I mean…go for it.”

“Lie on top of Koruk,” Oz said. “And I’m going to get some things to make you comfortable.”

My heart was beating so hard, it wanted out of my chest, but I could do this. I straddled Koruk’s hips and he grabbed his cock and slid it over my soaked pussy. I’d never been this wet, and I almost told Oz I didn’t need any extra lube or anything, but sanity prevailed and I eased down over Koruk’s cock, feeling it stretch me. I didn’t want to say anything that might make this stop, but when I felt the cold lube trickle into my crack, I tensed.

“You’re okay, mate,” Oz whispered in my ear. “Relax, and I’ll make it so good for you, good for all of us.”

Koruk was buried deep, but we were still, while Oz worked one finger then two inside my back hole. The place I had refused to let my ex near. The very idea had horrified me, but this was a way we could all be linked at the same time. One way, anyway.

And so, when I felt the head prodding me, I relaxed as much as possible, telling myself it would only hurt for a minute, and to my amazement…that was true. With both of them inside me, I was so high on the emotional as well as physical connection. Wanting to be the very closest to both of them as I could. I fell into the rhythm they created between them. Koruk reached up and drew me down for a deep, drugging kiss, and Oz ran his flattened palms up and down my back. My cells came alive and my orgasm came on like a freight train. To their credit, my mates held out longer than me, and they managed to make me come twice more before they found their pleasure as well.

It was incredible, beyond anything I’d ever fantasized about. And I owed apologies to all my friends for judging them. If they felt like this toward their men? No wonder they acted so silly. Afterward, we showered together, which led to some more shenanigans. Then we went back to bed and pulled the covers up to our chins. As I drifted toward sleep, I remembered that this also came with longer life. More time with them. And I remembered something I had wanted to say to them. “Your stonework is art.”

They kissed me, both of them, and cuddled me close. “Thanks, mate,” Oz said.

“It means a lot that you see it that way,” Koruk agreed.

Chapter Twenty-Three


My gargoyle woke me up before the sun. I was glad for it. I loved the silence of the pre-dawn hours even more now. Lying across my chest, Malinda breathed softly, her bare breasts moving against me, reminding me of everything that happened the evening before and several times throughout the night.

Our mate was here. And after last night, she was thoroughly mated. We gargoyles didn’t go through the barbaric ritual of biting our mate in some sort of show of property, but she was mine all the same. Ours.

Last night had been everything we’d waited for and so much more. The taste of her lingered on my lips. Her scent clung to my skin and I seriously considered never showering to keep her perfume close to me.

I sat up a bit, taking her with me and trying not to jostle Koruk in the process. I knew he was as content as I was and would wake happy soon. With one finger, I grazed a trail down her spine, noting how her skin glistened with sweat, like dew after a morning rain.

Her cheeks reddened as she mumbled something in her sleep and I hoped she dreamed of us. My dreams centered around her and always would.

As the sun began to filter through the windows, a new scent caught my nose. The scent of hunger coming from not only my mate but Koruk as well.

Time to feed the hungry people.

We expended a lot of energy through the night.
