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“And so do our mates,” his friend finished.

“Are you saying that if I mate with you, I will have an extended life? But what about disease, all the ways a human body breaks down?”

“You will have enhanced disease resistance, and your body will just in general serve you better for the expanded timeline.” If Oz didn’t stop touching me, I was going to beg them to take me to bed, and not because I wanted a longer life. At this point, the advantage I could see in that factor was mostly spending the time with them.

Oh my goodness, I had it bad. If I wasn’t careful, I’d be talking about raisins vs. chocolate chips again because Oz’s touch and warmth and his voice in my ear was turning me to mush. And Koruk…I wanted to touch him, too. I wanted to touch both of them. All the time.

Chapter Twenty-One


Malinda suddenly sat up straight on Oz’s lap.

“Is everything all right?” I asked, alarmed. “Did we say something wrong?” Heck, for all I knew, humans didn’t want to live longer or be bonded to someone for so many years.

“Can I touch you?” She reached out a hand. “Is it okay to touch you both at the same time?”

I folded my fingers over her much smaller ones and lifted her hand to my lips. “I hope that you will. If you accept us, we both belong to you.”

“Is that how it works?” She sounded breathless. “Are you saying that you both think I am your mate? You’re ready to take me on just like that?”

“Of course.” Oz stroked her hair gently. “You are our fated mate.”

“Even though I’m human?”

“We can only mate with a human.” I thought I’d mentioned that before but couldn’t be entirely sure because my brain was fogging with hormones. “And both of our gargoyles are also on board. We didn’t think there would be a mate for us, and here you are. We can only hope you come to care for us as well.”

“We haven’t even really kissed,” she said, chewing on her lower lip, white teeth denting it and making it swell. “But I don’t want to go to my room alone. After you’re done with the milk and cookies, do you think you’d like to come with me?”

Oz jumped to his feet, bringing our mate with him, although she managed to keep hold of my hands. “I think we’re all done eating.”

“Yep.” I stood as well, and as a group, we started for the stairs.

“Don’t we have to clean up?” she protested as Oz shifted her in his arms. “The milk will leave a ring that’s hard to get rid of in the glasses.”

“Then we’ll buy new glasses.” I let go of her hand as we reached the stairs and it got too awkward to hold on. “Because we have to take care of the kissing thing.”

“The what?” She sounded startled.

“As you pointed out,” Oz said, marching up the treads, “we haven’t even really kissed you. And that has to be remedied as soon as possible.”

I agreed wholeheartedly, but I didn’t need to say so. On the top landing, Oz’s lips descended onto our mate’s. He never slowed his steps, managing to kiss Malinda while moving rapidly toward her room. The room we created for her, for our mating, for our life together.

We still needed to be cautious and not push her too hard or too fast, but judging by how she clung to Oz’s shoulders, her rapidly rising and falling breasts and the little sounds coming from her throat, our mate was on board.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Everything was moving fast, but it felt like exactly the right pace. Not a big person, per se, I wasn’t one of the tiny petite females who could expect to be carried around. My one serious previous boyfriend had certainly not done it, and other than a momentary lift for a wedding picture once, none of my friends’ guys did it for them either.

It was heady and could become addictive. Oz was not even out of breath when he kissed me at the top of the stairs. All I could do was hold on and kiss him back until he laid me gently down on my gigantic bed for three and stepped back to pull off his shirt. Koruk clicked on the bedside lamp, and I almost told him not to, feeling shy and a little concerned about the imperfections of my body, especially in comparison to the two men who were providing me with a striptease worthy of Las Vegas.

With each item they took off, they paused, waited for me to nod or otherwise encourage them, until they were finally down to boxer briefs, thin and fitted, to show me just how interested they were in being naked with me. I lay on the pillows, in my nightie, my slippers having fallen off somewhere along the way, and watched.

Everything about them was model-worthy. Fit, strong, handsome, and with that V that was in high demand, or so I’d heard. Again, images of all my friends’ guys flashed through my mind and were found wanting. By me. I knew they loved their men and had heard them rave about how hot they were so many times. And I’d never quite gotten it.

Until now. Maybe it wasn’t strictly how someone was built or how they styled their hair but that everything about them spoke of coming home. Yes, I was a little scared of the size of their cocks because they made my ex look like he’d been in cold water, but I already knew that they would be careful. They’d never hurt me. I knew this to the depths of my soul.
