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The one we had been waiting for.

“Get over here,” I called out, noticing Rocky in his cage at her side.

She sprinted over and stopped only inches from us. “Hi!”

“We’re so glad you got here safely,” Koruk said. “Where are your bags? Do you need to use the restroom? Are you hungry?”

She nodded. “Baggage is at claim area four and yes to the bathroom and yes, I’m starved.”

“How about I get the bags and you go to the restroom,” I suggested. “Koruk, can you take Rocky? Then we’ll pick up some lunch.”

The airport was hectic. People everywhere. As we tried to get our mate out of there in one piece, it only got busier. Finally, we made it to the parking lot, and I seated her up front with Koruk. I itched to touch her. Hold her hand. Hug her.

“What would you like to eat?” I asked. “Anything.”

“Burgers and fries, please. I’m starving. I was nervous all day yesterday and this morning, so I’m starving now.”

“Not nervous anymore?” Koruk asked.

“No,” she said, turning to face him. “Not anymore. Have you ever met someone in person and knew that they were good?”

I nodded. “Yes.” Our mate was good and kind and lovely. My gargoyle was content knowing that she was at ease with us.

“I know I’m safe with you two.”

We stopped and indulged her craving for burgers and pointed out points of interest along the way. She looked out the window and asked all kinds of questions. “It’s all so beautiful and unique.”

When we got to our home, I held my breath, waiting for her appraisal. It meant everything for our mate to approve of our home but even more for her to love it. Koruk and I had no plans of ever living anywhere else. We’d designed this place as a forever home, and we wanted her to like it. Of course, if she didn’t, we would build her a new one. Anything she wanted.

“You two built this on your own?” she asked. I opened her door for her. She seemed surprised by the effort. Human men really needed to step up their game if she was impressed with something as simple as opening her door.

“We did,” Koruk answered. He got out and stood next to me while Malinda walked up to our home and put her hands on a few stones, grazing her palm over the textures. She looked up at the expanse, shielding her eyes from the shining sun.

She turned to face us. “You guys are really talented. I’ve always respected those who chose to work with their hands. It’s really incredible.”

We both nodded, stupefied by her praise.

“So, can I see the inside, or are we going to stand around here all day?” She snickered.

The sass. It might’ve been the sexiest part of her so far.

“Come on, female. Let’s let Rocky out of his cage and show you around—you and that sharp tongue.”

Chapter Fifteen


This place was no house or home someone would ever see in regular, normal, human life. In fact, to me, it resembled a small castle.

They lived in a freaking castle. There were no tall towers or flags flying from the peaks. But in my eyes, these two tall, broad, sexy as hell gargoyle shifters had built a castle, and there was a chance this would be my home as well.

I asked Oz, as he opened the door for me, what the place was made of since the most I knew about stonework was that it was stone and rock and beautiful. He said it was limestone. The best stone for making a home.

While they gave me a tour of the house, I had to stop myself from touching them, to stop myself from reaching out to hold their hands, brush my fingers against theirs. My job kept me alone for a lot of the time and even so, it took me a while, with other people, before I opened up.

But in their presence, I felt like I could be me. No pretenses. All my flaws. All my quirks.

And more than anything, I wanted one of them, both of them, to reach out and touch me. Because touching me would make this all real.
