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“Not like this. I think I like it.”

My chest rumbled with pleasure. I hadn’t even met the woman, but I would protect her with my life. “Good. Because I like you just the way you are.”

“You two go shop. I’ve got to finish packing and get some things done. I’m sure I will talk to you tonight.”

I chuckled as Oz threatened to take his phone back. “See you soon, sweetheart. Take care.”

Oz told her his goodbyes, and we finished shopping. We stopped for some fresh eggs, butter, and homemade baked goods from Harry’s house and then we were on our way home.

That night, we sat down for dinner. We’d been pretty quiet for the afternoon and cooked a simple meal of baked potatoes and meatloaf for dinner.

“Is it right to put her in that room? Are we assuming? I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable. That’s a big, intimidating bed.”

“If she’s uncomfortable, I’m sure she will have no problem telling us. She hasn’t had an issue being vocal about her wants and needs thus far. We’ll let her take the lead.”

Chapter Fourteen


“Let’s pick up food on the way,” Koruk grunted as we moved a bit in sync grabbing our wallets. We dressed similarly in dark jeans and T-shirts. I’d gone for white, while he chose a burgundy hue.

The dark circles under his eyes told me he hadn’t gotten much more sleep than I had. I’d replayed all the what-ifs and the maybes so many times in my head that by the time I fell asleep, I was honestly tired of myself and my brain.

All I wanted was to have her in our home. Getting to know her beyond what we’d learned chatting and texting.

By the time we parked at the airport, I was beyond excited.

Our mate was almost here.

“Just got a text,” I said, finishing off my coffee and tossing the clear cup into the trash can. “She’s landing in five minutes. Early.”

He nodded. Koruk was in the same group text with her, but he was a bundle of nerves. More nervous than I’d ever seen him.

“I’m seeing that,” he said, pointing to the digital screen in front of us.

“Let’s get to the gate.”

We hadn’t spoken much that morning.

Everything in our lives was about to change and it started with Malinda walking through that gate.

Those next ten to fifteen minutes were the longest of my life.

“There,” Koruk announced with a firm but low tone. People waited for their loved ones all around us, but the humans kept their distance. Some humans were still wary of shifters, but our large stature made them step back.

I only hoped that wasn’t the case for Malinda. But a woman like her didn’t back down from anything.

And I never, ever, wanted her to be scared of us.

We waited for her to see us and once she did, she stopped walking. A teeth-baring grin took over her face.

Gods, she was even more beautiful in person. Her hair was braided and laying over one shoulder. She had a white tank on with some loose jeans and flip-flops. Casual as ever.

Didn’t matter if she had a dress on or her rattiest pajamas—she was stunning.

And she was mine.

