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“That’s a lot of food,” I mumbled more to myself than anything as Oz and Koruk showed me the kitchen. It had a huge, walk-in pantry stocked, floor to ceiling with snacks and the makings of meals for a month or more.

Oz said, “We eat a lot, female. And we didn’t know all your likes and dislikes yet, so we made sure we had a little bit of everything.”

“Oh. Well, thank you.” I ducked out of the pantry and took in the kitchen. The backsplash was made of stone, much like the outside, but more polished and smooth. The counters were white quartz with veins of gold within them. Every part of this home was built with such love and care.

“Let’s show you your room.”

We walked up a staircase. At the top were three large doors. Koruk walked over to the center one and opened it wide. “This is your room, Malinda.”

I stood, stunned at what I saw before ever walking in. “This is too much,” I whispered.

“You don’t like it?” Koruk’s entire face softened. He lost that panty-melting smile. His eyebrows bunched. He and Oz peered into the space, probably wondering if something was off.

Nothing was off.

“I love it. My entire apartment could fit inside it with room to grow but it’s amazing.”

I walked in, feeling like if I didn’t, they would take me for some ungrateful wench. Inside the room were warm wood floors and soft-gray walls.

The bed made me feel so many things that beds usually didn’t.

Or ever.

“That’s not a bed,” I giggled nervously. “That’s…I don’t know what that is.”

Oz rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling. “It’s just a bed. No assumptions. Just a bed.”

Assumptions? What would I ass…oh. Oh my gods. This was a bed meant to be shared by three people, two of them being well over six-foot giants who turned into stone from time to time. Or I thought that was how it worked.

The thing was, Koruk and Oz could assume all they wanted. My thoughts were certainly there.

It had taken everything in me not to run to them at the airport. The attraction was instant. Of course I’d seen them over video chat, but in person…they were magnetic.

I was drawn to their broad shoulders and labor-built muscles. Both had dark tans from working in the elements and yet, their smiles were soft and told me that under those stony exteriors were two softies who would love a woman as hard as they could.

So why hadn’t they made a move yet? Even to hold my hand or put their palm at the base of my spine.

They went on to show me a bathroom. This entire suite was made for a throuple. The bathtub and shower were huge, and the vanity boasted three sinks.

The big guys had built this bedroom for their mate and them to share.

And though this had moved fast, I wanted to be that mate.

“How about we let you freshen up and then take you out to dinner. Nothing fancy. Does that sound okay?” Oz’s warm eyes made me feel caressed.

“Yes. Thank you.”

I took a quick shower and dressed in a midnight-blue dress. The hem skimmed my legs mid-thigh. I added some nude sandals and hoped I had dressed appropriately. The only makeup I wore was some mascara and a light gloss on my lips. Oz and Koruk had seen me at my worst. Hungover, crazy hair, frumpy-clothed Malinda was what kept them chatting after all.

I’d bought the dress for this week, which was how long I’d agreed to stay, hoping they would take me out on a date but, as I walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me, my nerves kicked up to full force.

I heard them talking in the kitchen and was thankful they weren’t waiting at the bottom. I would’ve surely twisted an ankle or something worse under their gaze.

At the same time, I wanted their gaze on me.

All over me. And not just their gaze.

“I’m ready when you are,” I said, interrupting their conversation. Each one had only changed their shirts. They went from casual to button-downs that strained to keep their muscles contained.
