Page 65 of Gamble

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“Milo!” I squeak out, but he just deepens the kiss, his hands roaming my body as if he owns it, and right now, he does, considering I can’t touch the bottom, but he stands effortlessly.

His tongue seeks out mine, exploring my mouth. My body betrays me with its response, kissing him back and arching into him.

I know this is wrong; I shouldn’t want this but as he teases my neck with open-mouthed kisses and sucks on my collarbone. I can’t control the moans that spill from my lips. He captures them with his own heated mouth and his other hand massaging my breast through the drenched fabric of my bikini top.

“Milo,” I manage to say around his mauling lips, but he just shakes his head.

“You started this, Fallon, now you will see it through, plus we are here alone, no one will know,” he whispers against my ear, his hand sliding up my thigh, causing goosebumps to break out all over as he grips my leg behind my knee and wraps it around his waist.

“Tell me you don’t want this,” he dares me, nipping at my neck as his other hand cups my breast so gently it sends shivers down my spine.

“I... don’t...” I can’t even finish my sentence before he covers my mouth with his own. Milo lifts me up and presses me against the pool edge harder.

His hand slips under my bikini, finding the source of my arousal, and he slowly rubs me, and a moan escapes past my lips.

“I can’t wait to fuck this sweet pussy,” he says through clenched teeth before roughly pushing his middle finger inside of me-breaking any remaining thoughts I had.

“We will take this nice and slow,” he whispers in my ear as I wrap my legs around him, clinging to him for dear life. This can’t be happening; I can’t be enjoying this, can I?

My breath catches as Milo’s slips another finger inside me, the sensation both familiar and alien. We move together as I chase the feeling that has heat pooling in my stomach. I can feel his heart pounding beneath my palm, its beat matching my own racing pulse. His lips trail down my neck, nipping gently. His tongue flicks out teasingly, sending shivers of anticipation coursing through me.

“Fuck...” I gasp before moaning, but it’s quickly muffled by his hand over my mouth. He presses me harder against the rough edge of the pool, using his body to hold me still as he thrusts his fingers deeper within me, his thumb working my clit. I arch into him, moaning softly into his palm. It feels so wrong yet so right, like an addiction I’m desperately trying to fight but can’t seem to resist. His taste is addictive - salty from our sweat mingling with the chlorine of the pool - and it only fuels my desire for more.

Just when I’m teetering on the edge of climax, a faint noise interrupts us: the sound of the back patio door opening and closing. In an instant, Milo pushes away from me with a dark, seductive smile playing on his lips. He moves to the opposite side and climbs out of the water while I glance nervously toward the mansion. Milo, however, doesn’t seem panicked as he steals a towel to dry himself off, covering the front of himself.

“Fallon, a word,” comes Leone’s deep voice. I tense, turning to see him walk toward us. I float to the center of the pool, refusing to get out, not liking the angry look on his face.

He peers over at Milo, who is drying himself “She pushed me in, and now I need a phone,” Milo mutters, holding up his phone.

“Just don’t get caught fooling around with her, Milo; you know my father won’t like that.”

“No one could see us,” Milo answers, and Leone nods.

“Dante is staying here. Apparently, I need babysitting; my father doesn’t trust me, so keep your distance when he’s around,” Leone tells him, and Milo nods once while Leone turns his dark, sinister gaze to me.

“Out!” he orders, but I shake my head.

“I’m good,” I tell him.

“You made quite the scene in there, and my father expects me to punish you for it,” he admits, and I swallow.

“And how do you usually punish someone for disrespecting your father?” I sneer.

“By killing them, now get out before I decide to go that route,” Leone warns, pointing to the stairs.

He looks at Milo. “Go get changed; I have a shipment arriving at the casino tonight and want to head in. I don’t trust Dante to not skim the load.”

“The Casino?” I ask, and Leone tilts his head, looking at me.

“That is what I said; now out,” he demands, and I swim to the pool’s edge.

“Can I come with you?” I ask him, and Milo stops to hear his answer, but he doesn’t give one. Reluctantly, I climb out of the pool, and the moment I do, Leone seizes my arm. Dragging me over to my towel, which is resting on a sunchair. He pushes me down onto it and sits across from me on the other one.

“You could have gotten yourself killed, provoking him like that,” Leone warns me, and I sigh, standing up. I dry myself when his eyes go to my bare ass.

“Where are your pants? You can’t parade around like that when my father and brother are here,” he snaps at me, moving to snatch my towel and wrap it around me. I look at Milo, who heads in through the patio doors when I notice movement on the second floor. Peering up, I find Vittorio watching us through the window.

“Your father is watching us,” I state while Leone insists on drying me.
