Page 66 of Gamble

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“He’s waiting to see if I punish you,” he snaps angrily before seizing my face in his hand. His grip is punishing but then turns gentle when I hiss as his fingers dig into my cheeks. “If you weren’t my wife, you’d be dead by now,” he admits, though he doesn’t look too pleased with saying those words.

“Is that what happened to Lydia? She disrespected your father?” I ask, and he immediately tenses.

“Careful, Fallon, I may not want to hurt you, but it doesn’t mean I won’t if you mention her name to me again.”

I swallow, and I try to look away, only for him to jerk my face back.

“Then what now? You have to punish me because Daddy said so; you don’t want to kill me, but what other choice is there?”

He smiles wickedly, and I don’t like the sinister look behind it.

“My father wants me to put you in your place; he wants you to be submissive and gagged like Lydia was. Is that what you want, Fallon?” he asks, and I shake my head no.

“Then do as I say, and don’t push your fucking luck next time,” he snarls before sitting and dragging me across his lap. I thrash, trying to get up, but he shoves me back down.

“Stop, my father is watching, and if I don’t make it look like you’re being punished, he’ll come down and shoot you or worse, put you over his damn knee himself, so which is it, Fallon?”

“Fuck you! I was defending you, and now you’re going to beat me for it?!” I ask incredulously.

“Not beat you, but it will hurt… I’m going to spank you, but I’d rather do this than the alternative,” Leone tells me, and I push up off his lap only to find Vittorio watching still from the second floor. This is fucking humiliating. Yet the idea of being across his father’s lap sickens me, so I sink back down across Leone’s with a huff.

“Fine… fine… do what you must, so the psycho doesn’t come down here. But I won’t forget this!” I growl.

“Naughty, naughty Fallon. You know better than to talk to me that way, but you made the right choice,” he mocks before yanking my towel away and dropping it on the ground. His hand smoothes over my ass.

“Leone, your father is there.” I try to cover myself, but he grabs my wrists behind my back when I feel the bulge pressing against my stomach. “You fucking prick, you’re actually enjoying this!”

He laughs.

Leone’s hand comes down with a loud smack on my exposed ass, the sting radiating through my body. I bite back a moan of pain, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much it hurt. He spanks me again, this time harder, and I can’t hold back a whimper. My cheeks burn with both pain and humiliation as Leone continues to discipline me in front of his father.

“Count each one,” he growls, and I grit my teeth as he smacks me again.

“One!” I yelp, and the stinging intensifies as he smacks me again. “Two!”

“Good girl,” he says, dragging me further across his lap like a wayward child. His hand comes down hard on my ass, searing pain shooting through me.

The next strike makes me cry out, and I squirm on his lap, desperate to escape the pain but unable to break free from his iron grip.

“Fuck!” I hiss, but he doesn’t relent.

“You know why I have to do this,” Leone growls as he continues spanking me with a rhythm that sears agony into every fiber of my being. “I don’t want to hurt you, Fallon. But you left me with no choice.” His hand comes down repeatedly, each strike burning more than the last.

“I need you to understand your place, not because I don’t like your feistiness but for your safety,” Leone continues. My ass feels welted, and tears trek down my cheeks; I can feel every finger etched into my skin when he finally stops. He lets out a breath, his hand rubbing over my welted cheeks.

Lifting my head, I find Vittorio has left his place where he stood by the window, and I slacken across his lap. A sob wracks through my body, and Leone’s hand smoothes down the back of my wet hair.

“Don’t cry; the bastard doesn’t deserve your tears,” Leone whispers.

I move to climb off him, completely mortified, when he grabs my wrist, jerking me back to him, and my hands slam against his chest; he barely moves but lets me go, only to slip his arm around my waist. He pulls me flush against him, his other hand tangling in my hair as he pulls my head back, forcing me to meet his gaze.

His eyes take in my tear-stricken face. “He said I needed to put you in your place; I did that. But don’t you run from me? He wants to see you break,” he murmurs, turning me slightly so I can see the window behind him; once again, his father stands by the window watching, only now he has a glass tumbler in his hand.

“I didn’t have the luxury of choice, Fallon,” he hisses close to my ear, his breath warm against my chilled skin. “You think I enjoyed that? It was a display, a necessary evil. If I hadn’t, he would’ve done much worse. And not just to you.”

His words swirl in my mind, a toxic mix that is hard to breathe in. I look up, meeting his intense gaze, searching for any sign of deceit. “You’re saying you did this for me?” I question, my voice shaky with a mix of fear and emerging understanding.

Leone’s eyes are like steel, unyielding yet revealing a flicker of something else. “I did it to protect what’s mine. Like it or not, that includes you. In this twisted world we inhabit, appearances matter. My father... he would take too much pleasure in breaking you himself. So show him you won’t, and don’t bow. Don’t fucking run from me; he wants that as an excuse for me to get rid of you.”
