Page 52 of Gamble

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“Tell me you don’t want this,” he growls.

“Tell me you’re not fantasizing about my mouth devouring this pretty pussy.” I shake my head while my ears and face burn at his vulgar words.

“Lie all you want, but I can smell how much you want me,” he groans, leaning in so close that his hot breath tickles my lower lips.

“So am I taking the handcuffs off cara?” he asks. I swallow, peering down at him.

“You’ll leave them off?” I ask.

He smirks evilly. “For tonight anyway,” he tells me. I nod hesitantly, swallowing hard as I feel his hot breath against my folds. The handcuffs dig into my skin, but I don’t dare move too much for fear of him pulling away. Leone smirks, his gaze never leaving my crotch. He reaches up and uses the key to unlock the cuffs. Releasing my wrist from the bedpost. My arm falls to the mattress with a soft thud, and I gasp as he slides his hands up my thighs, gripping them tightly before flipping our positions, and I suddenly find myself staring at the ceiling.

The cool air hits my overheated skin as he forces his shoulders between my legs, and I can’t help but shiver. His warm breath washes over my pussy, sending tingles down to my toes. He nuzzles against my folds, inhaling deeply as if savoring my scent. His fingers trace the sensitive flesh between my thighs, driving me wild with anticipation. An unfamiliar fluttering sensation builds within me, something primal and needy.

A slow groan escapes him when he flattens his tongue, tracing it over my folds before he parts my lower lips with his tongue. An involuntary moan escapes me when his tongue finds my clit. When I feel his finger tracing my entrance, my eyes dart down to him, yet he only circles my entrance, nudging but not entering like he is waiting for permission, which I find odd. This man does what he wants, so I am kind of shocked.

I bite my lip when he sucks harder on my clit, making my head fall back to the pillow. He shoves my legs flat against the mattress, using his elbows to hold them in place. “Is that a yes?” he asks, then flicks his tongue over my clit.

“Yes,” the word escapes me, desperately wanting to chase the feeling he is building.

He chuckles softly at the sound vibrating through me. Using one finger, he slips it inside me gently. My core clenches at the intrusion, contracting around it, and he groans. He watches me closely as he withdraws it and traces circles around my entrance teasingly before adding another and pushing deeper inside with a small growl of satisfaction.

Leone’s hot breath fanning across my folds feels like a caress from an inferno against my core. The sensation is alien yet invigorating, making my muscles tense under his expert tongue.

“God, you taste so sweet,” he groans before licking me out once more.

My eyes roll back into my head as he picks up speed, thrusting his fingers in and out in time with his tongue lapping at my clit.

Despite my guilt, the pleasure he evokes is unbearable, and I find my body arching towards him, begging for more. His tongue swirls around my clit as he picks up the pace, his fingers pounding me mercilessly, hitting unreachable spots within me.

I moan, my hands clawing at the sheets as he starts to slowly pump them in and out of me while his tongue flicks my clit.

“Leone,” I moan out, unashamed, as the orgasmic sensations build within me.

“That’s it, mia cara, cum for me,” he growls out, moving his fingers faster, causing my hips to rise off the bed. My body shakes and trembles as my back arches off the bed, tightening around his invading fingers.

“Fuck, that feels so good,” I moan out, oblivious to words leaving my lips without my consent, only caring about the fireworks behind my eyelids as I succumb to the blissful high.

My nails dig into the mattress as the climax rips through me like an earthquake, tearing me apart from within when I feel my inner walls pulsate and everything turns white.

When I return from cloud nine, Leone rises between my legs, smirking smugly at me. He is shirtless, exposing a chiseled torso and boxer shorts bulging with a hard-on I can’t tear my eyes from. He leans down, gripping my chin when his breath skates across my lips a second before his lips crash down against mine, his tongue forcing its way past my lips. I moan into his mouth at the taste of myself on his tongue as it invades my mouth.

He rocks his hips against me, causing another sound to escape me as his cock hits my heated flesh, making my inner walls clench air. He then pulls away just as the door opens. Leone smirks down at me before falling onto his back beside me.



I push the door open, my gaze instantly locking on the scene before me where Leone is pressed between her thighs. Hearing the door, Leone sprawls out on the bed like a king overseeing his domain, a smug half-smile playing across his lips. Fallon lies next to him, her breaths coming in short gasps, her skin flushed with arousal that pulsates through the charged air that turns tense the moment I walk in like they’ve been caught doing something they shouldn’t.

“Well, what is going on here?” I can’t help but laugh at the embarrassment on her face.

Fallon’s face turns a deeper shade of red as if she’s been caught in an act too scandalous for words. She abruptly rolls away from Leone, turning her back, trying to cover her exposed lower body.

“Nothing you haven’t seen before, mio fratello,” Leone teases, stretching languidly, looking like a satisfied predator, his eyes glinting with mischief. “What can I say? I was hungry.” Leone’s laughter rings out, a deep, throaty sound that resonates with a tinge of devilry as he rolls toward Fallon; he tugs the blanket away from her, earning a slap on the hand and a glare from her.

He laughs and collapses onto the bed, his gaze still fixed on Fallon’s form beside him, a smirk playing on his lips.

“I can see that,” I chuckle, shrugging off my jacket and tossing it onto the armchair, my voice tinged with an edge that betrays more than just amusement.
