Page 51 of Gamble

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“Let go!” I demand, though it comes out more like a plea.

He doesn’t listen. Instead, he hoists me over his shoulder, my world flipping upside down. I beat against his back, thrashing wildly in a desperate attempt to escape. But it’s no use; he’s made of stone, and I’m nothing but a featherweight to him.

“Put me down, Leone!” My voice is shrill, panic edging every syllable.

He tosses me onto the bed, and I bounce on the mattress. I try to scramble away, but he anchors me with his weight, immobilizing me completely. Panic flares within me, hot and blinding, and without thinking, I lash out, my hand connecting with his cheek with a resounding smack.

The sound echoes in the tense air, and we both freeze. His gaze locks onto mine, those piercing brown eyes darker with something that chills me more than his touch ever could. My breath hitches as I realize what I’ve done, and a stuttered apology tumbles from my lips.

“Leone, I—” The words are cut off by the cold metal clasping around my wrist. I look down to see the handcuff secured to my wrist before he lifts it to the bedhead, locking the other end in place and effectively trapping me. My heart races, blood roaring in my ears as he climbs off me, his movements deliberate and controlled.

“Sleep,” he commands, lying beside me and turning off the lamp. Darkness envelops us, save for the thin sliver of moonlight slipping through the curtains.



There’s a deafening silence, punctuated only by his steady breathing, a sign that he’s drifted to sleep. But I can’t find that same peace. The handcuff digs into my skin, my arm forced awkwardly above my head, and after a while, the throbbing ache becomes unbearable. His shirt is drenched with blood from my shoulder, the clear plastic film covering nearly completely given away after my shower.

My eyes fixate on the key resting mockingly on the bedside table. If I can just reach it...

Twisting my body, I futilely attempt to stretch across him, but the cuff won’t give, and my arm and shoulder hurts when I stretch that far. Biting back frustration, I muster the courage to try to straddle his waist, careful not to wake him. My heart pounds as I lean forward, but the handcuff locked onto the middle beam of the headboard keeps it just out of reach.

Stretching out, the metal digs painfully into my wrist. And then, just as my fingers graze the cool metal of the key, it vanishes. Snatched away. I freeze, every muscle tensing as I feel Leone stir beneath me.

I don’t dare move, caught in the act, straddling the man who controls if I live to see my sister and father again.

“What do you think you’re doing?” His voice is laced with ice, and I shiver. “You’re like a trapped animal, aren’t you? Ready to bite the hand that feeds you at every opportunity.” I shake my head and move to climb off him, but his hands grip my hips, holding me in place.

“I can’t sleep with my arm above my head,” I tell him, knowing he probably won’t see it that way. Tears prick my eyes when I feel him slide his shirt up my thighs, exposing me to his hungry gaze. He sucks in a breath, and my eyes drop to him, yet his gaze is on my pussy.

“You want the cuffs off?”

“I’m not fucking you,” I snap at him, glaring at the wall above his head. He chuckles darkly, his hands moving to the top of my thighs, his thumbs stroking dangerously close to the apex of my legs.

“I never said you have to, but I do want something,” he says, making my eyes drop to him, his gaze still between my legs as his tongue traces his bottom lip. My gaze moves to the action, remembering the feel of his mouth on me at the club, and he chuckles darkly.

“You want my mouth on you, don’t you?”He laughs, and my eyes meet his, my face heating at his words. He laughs again, seeing my embarrassment thanks to the light coming in through the windows.

“No,” I say, but my pussy clenches around nothing, craving his mouth, the feel of his lips on my sensitive areas. He doesn’t believe me. His knowing smirk says it all.

“Lie to me all you want, Fallon, but your pretty pussy is aching for more. You are a feast for the eyes, bellissima.”

“Fuck you,” I hiss. He chuckles darkly, his hands now gripping my thighs, and I whimper when he starts to push my thighs apart.

“How about this? You let me have my fun, and I’ll think about unlocking you.” He smirks evilly, and even though I know I shouldn’t, I nod.

“Fun?” I ask him.

“I want to taste you, mia cara. It is our wedding night afterall.”

“Why?” I find myself asking. Don’t men usually complain about having to perform such tasks, and yet this man wants to willingly, or maybe he’s hoping I will let him fuck me afterward.

He shrugs. “You have such a pretty pussy,” he breathes out when his grip suddenly grows tighter, and he rips me higher while simultaneously moving down lower. I move quickly to grip the headboard or fall backward awkwardly, given I’m attached to the damn thing.

Righting myself, I peer down at him in horror, seeing how close he is to my private area. His hands squeeze my ass, I try to move away, but he squeezes me again.

His warm breath breezing over my core makes me squirm. He turns his face and traces his tongue across the inside of my thigh before sucking on that same spot.
