Page 41 of Twisted Deeds

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He grinned. “I expect nothing less. Crushing you isn’t fun if it’s too easy, after all. Keep up the good work.” He stepped back and surveyed me critically. “My jersey really looks good on you, and since you’re so desperate to wear it…”

He crowded against me before I could twist away. His hands went around my waist, and I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but it was hopeless.

Cold air licked at my thighs as Asher tugged down my jeans.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked, my voice rising frantically as he got my jeans to my ankles, pinning my legs together.

“Fair’s only fair. You wanted to wear my jersey, so wear it…and only it. Have a good night, Your Majesty.”

Just like that, he shot me a wicked grin, turned on his heel, and walked away.


The party after the game was at the Hellions’ dorm. Usually, it was easy to have a drink, ignore the noisy masses, and dissect the game with Cayden or Beckett. It wouldn’t usually bother me, but tonight, I wanted privacy.

Thankfully, the apartment I shared with Marcus and Cayden was empty. I headed straight for the bathroom and locked the damn door. I tore my clothes off, freeing my aching cock from the prison of my jeans. Fuck it. It hurt how hard I was from that run-in with Winter. I switched the shower to cold and got in.

Five minutes in, and my hard-on had only flagged slightly. Time for plan B. I dialed the temperature up, my fingers shaking with the cold. As soon as the warm water eased over my skin, my mind went back to the feeling of Winter’s hot mouth around my thumb. Blood rushed right back to my cock. She was a brat, and I was teaching her a lesson, I tried to remind myself.

Instead of listening, I stroked along my aching length and cupped the tip, stroking around the head just like her tongue had on my thumb. Her virgin tongue. Winter had always dated older guys, her family-approved dates. How could she be so inexperienced? It was a fucking turn-on to imagine teaching the high and mighty Winter DeLaurie how to suck cock. The idea of stretching out her tight holes had me finishing embarrassingly fast, ropes of cum shooting against the tile. Her scent was caught in my noise, filling my head.

Open up and let me see it on your tongue.

Just the image of the perfect little country club brat’s face striped with my cum drew a groan from me. Roughing up daddy’s princess with my unworthy cum. Marking her, tainting her, spoiling her soul-deep, so she could never go back to that privileged life without a touch of depravity in her soul. So she could never wash me off.

I rested my forehead against the tile, water pounding down my body and the wall, washing away the evidence of my desire for someone who had the unique talent of driving me insane, and not in a good way.

I stayed in the shower long enough for the water to run cold. Wrapping a towel around my hips, I headed to the living area. Marcus was already there, kicking back with a beer, an ice pack pressed to his split lip. It had been a rough game, and he’d gotten in his fair share of tussles, despite being the goalie.

“If it isn’t the man of the hour.” He grinned at me and then winced. “I’m talking about your new relationship status, of course.”

“Fuck off,” I muttered and grabbed my own beer from the fridge.

“Hey now, is that any way to talk to your matchmaker? Obviously, I credit myself for the Seven Minutes in Heaven game last week.”

“We aren’t together,” I stated flatly, sitting beside Marcus on the couch.

“Are you sure about that? You might want to tell her that. Everyone is talking about how the resident queen bee was wearing the tough guy hockey player’s jersey. People are into it, they’re calling you Ashter — or Winsher — jury is still out on that one.”

“Oh, she knows. She’s just doing this to fuck with me,” I said. “It’s a game and she wants to win.”

“Are you going to let her?” Marcus wondered.

I shook my head. “Of course not. But I can’t say that playing isn’t fun.” I took a long swig of beer. Talking about Winter was making my goddamn cock perk up again, like I hadn’t just pumped an unnatural amount of cum down the drain in the shower.

Marcus tapped his lip. “Hmm, it makes you wonder why the hell she’s doing this, though, doesn’t it? I mean, you’re not really someone people want to mess with lightly.”

I glanced at Marcus. He was right. Why was Winter trying to get a fake boyfriend so damn badly? I hadn’t really thought about it before. It had just become a game, one I was determined to win.

“I have no idea,” I admitted.

“Hmm, I wonder if anyone will do, because I’d definitely be up for the gig if she’s looking for someone.”

Cold hard jealousy shot through me at the very thought of Winter turning to Marcus. What the hell?

“Don’t even think about it, Bailey. This is between me and her,” I warned him cooly.

He nodded, a smirk playing around his lips. “Got it. You like her.”
