Page 40 of Twisted Deeds

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“What are you doing?”

“Giving you what you asked for,” he said, and pulled a rope out his pocket. Not just any rope. A premade nautical knot.

I fought harder, but he quickly looped it around my wrists and a metal goalpost, and then yanked. The slipknot fell perfectly into place, anchoring me to the unyielding pole, my arms stretched taut over my head.

“Very mature,” I sneered at him. My heart was pounding so hard, I was sure he could hear it.

“I don’t think you’re in a position to judge anyone else’s maturity level, you spoiled brat, and we both know it.” Asher took a step back and fixed me with a look.

I tugged at the knot, even knowing it would only tighten it. My feet slid, and I nearly fell.

“Can’t you skate? You look like a newborn deer on the ice,” he remarked, raking his gaze over my struggling legs.

“I’m more a tennis girl,” I ground out.

He chuckled. “Of course you are. But a nice serve and country clubs aren’t going to help you now. I fucking warned you, Winter, and you’ve chosen not to listen.”

“Because you’re making the wrong choice! I’ll pay you — name your price…I’ll give you anything you want?—”

“Anything? Be careful with your words, Ice Queen, I’m not the sort of man who takes them lightly, and I’m no gentleman either…” He stepped in and cupped my cheek. “If you offer me anything, I’ll take everything.”

I fought to breathe normally. This guy had a dangerous effect on my internal organs. I couldn’t breathe, my heart was too fast, my skin sensitive and too aware of how close he was.

His words sent a dark thrill through me. There was no doubt what he was implying, and I had no idea why I wasn’t verbally flaying him for even suggesting it. Because you’re curious, too. What would it be like to be kissed by someone like Asher, touched…taken, wholly and completely? Resoundingly fucked by a man who didn’t care if it hurt? I was horrified at my own thoughts, and yet, the curiosity remained.

“Well…fair’s only fair,” I murmured, damning myself. “I don’t lose, remember? I don’t mean to start now.”

Dark amusement tinted Asher’s piercing gaze. His lips tilted up in a smirk. Damn it.

“I’m impressed by how desperately you need to pretend to have a boyfriend. So desperate that you’ll even lower yourself to your knees for me, beg and crawl…whatever I want from you, right?” His breath prickled against my skin; he was so close. His hand ran through my hair and then trailed down to circle my throat.

“You’ll put on that tiny cheerleading skirt you used to wear in high school, the one that made all the boys stare, and climb on my lap, bare-assed, while I play video games with my friends, or watch a hockey game, no matter who’s watching?” His fingers gently squeezed my neck. “Then you’ll get down between my thighs and catch my cum on your tongue when I’m done with you, swallow every last drop and thank me afterwards?”

My cheeks were burning. His words were filthy and shocking and the hottest thing I’d ever heard. No one had ever spoken to me like this. No one. His dark eyes drank in my oscillating emotions.

His hand left my throat and slid up to my lips. He pushed his thumb inside my mouth. “Show me what a good little brat you’d be at sucking me off.”

My whole body felt like it was igniting with humiliation, but Asher’s steady gaze spurred me on. Another test. Another way to score points. I wouldn’t be the first one to blink. In this game we were playing, I meant to win no matter what. Failure wasn’t an option.

I knew he expected me to blanch. To get shy, or embarrassed, and he’d get to score a point. I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction. I ran my tongue around the pad of his thumb and hollowed my cheeks. I sucked hard, and he hissed. I went back to running my tongue around the tip of his digit and then up and down the length.

After a moment, he gripped my chin and pressed down on my tongue, silencing any possible sound I could have made.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this was your first time sucking anything in that rude mouth of yours.”

My eyes gave me away. He raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised, and then moved his thumb, sinking it further into my mouth, going nearly all the way to the back. I gagged, the invasion frightening at first. The rest of his hand still gripped my jaw, locking me in place. His thumb thrust lewdly between my lips, finger-fucking my mouth. Spit gathered at the corners of my lips, trailing down my chin. It was messy and ugly. I wanted to wipe it away, but I couldn’t do anything but take it. There was a freedom in that feeling that I never would have expected. Asher’s gaze ran over me like his eyes were memorizing every detail.

“If this mouth is a virgin, then I can guess about the rest.”

He pulled his thumb from my mouth and smeared my spit across my cheek like he was wiping his hand dry. It was degrading and infuriating, but again, there was nothing I could do about it.

“But even with the added bonus of popping that overripe, prissy cherry, I’ll pass.”

“What?!” I blurted out. Sure, this was embarrassing, and confusing, but it had seemed like Asher was talking himself into helping me. I was about to win.

“I told you that I never lose, DeLaurie, and I’m not starting now. But I’ll give you an A for effort… a couple of hundred people might hear about this jersey stunt. Well done. Good try.”

“Thanks,” I muttered and raised my chin. “I’m just getting started.”
