Page 109 of Twisted Deeds

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He shook his head, his eyes never leaving me. “Not this time. I want to know why you kept it from me. Why?”

I finished my drink and put it down. There was a whole lot in his tone that I couldn’t read the meaning of. I just knew I’d come to the end of the road. I could no longer pretend that Asher Martino hadn’t strolled right into my barren heart and made it his.

“Maybe I was scared, too,” I admitted.

“What were you scared of?” he asked quietly.

I felt like the skin was going to crawl off my face, he was staring so hard at my right cheek. I couldn’t turn and look at him. I just couldn’t let him see all my emotional insecurities laid bare. My defenses, paper-thin around him usually, were totally gone now. There was nowhere to go but the truth.

“What else? The game being done.” I attempted a grin, but it felt off. “Breakup eras suck.”

Asher’s brow wrinkled. “Breakup eras?”

“Well, you know. You found your dad. Mission accomplished. You don’t need me anymore. The game is done.”

I hadn’t quite finished speaking when Asher closed the distance between us. His hand went around the back of my neck and tugged me in. He was so damn close his breath touched my lips.

“Call our relationship a game one more goddamn time, and I’m going to write something on you again — but this time it’ll be my initials on your ass in tattoo ink.”

“What?” My head was pounding, my breath short. The way he was looking at me was making me sweat. It was too much. He was too much.

“Do you really still think this is a game?” He brushed his lips over mine, spiking my pulse even higher. “Did you think that after everything…I was going to let you go and be someone else’s?”

I swallowed hard. “I don’t know. No one else has ever seemed interested in sticking around, so…”

“I’m not just anyone. And we aren’t just some game. If you’re confused about it, let me make it clear,” he said, and then closed the distance between us and kissed me.

This kiss felt different. It felt like a first kiss, somehow. We’d kissed plenty of times, and yet, this one was the one I knew I’d remember. His hands cupped both my cheeks; his thumbs slid over my cheekbones. It was soft, and slow. It turned my tummy in a loop and gave me butterflies.

We walked backward toward the bed and only stopped when my legs hit the mattress. Asher tugged my clothes off, only breaking the kiss to pull my sweater over my head and toss it aside. Everything came off. As we undressed each other, our movements got faster and more frantic. There was a building pressure between us. A feeling that I had to have his bare skin against mine now, or die.

Completely naked, he backed me onto the bed and rested his hips on mine. He was so long and hard, his cock lying in a thick line right up and above my belly button, the tip leaking fluid on me as we kissed. He ground himself against me, his cock perfectly sliding up and down my clit. I was so wet I could hear his thrusts against my pussy. The wet sucking sound could have embarrassed me, but there was no room for it right now. There was just him and me. No shame, no embarrassment. Complete acceptance. This was the guy who knew all my petty, bratty parts. The walls I’d put up. The way I’d hidden myself away. My insecurities and vulnerabilities. I knew his, too. I’d never be embarrassed in front of him. It was impossible. He was mine and I was his.

He leaned down and kissed me hard, smiling against my lips. “It was nice to be first, Ice Queen, but honestly, it’s not what matters to me the most.”

He pushed in, gradually impaling me on his rigid length.

“Being last…that’s what really gets me off,” he murmured in my ear, fucking me in shallow thrusts that opened me up gradually.

He reached between us and circled my clit lazily, keeping his cock halfway inside me. Pleasure washed through me in waves. Wetness surged, and my muscles slackened a little. Inch by inch, he slid deeper.

“That’s it, Winter. Let me take care of you,” he whispered.

His words only turned me on more.

“I’ve got you. You’re safe in my hands…and I will never let you go.”

I moaned when he slid home, reaching the end inside me. He was so deep, the invasion felt unbelievably intimate. Last time we’d slept together had felt wicked and fun, our game coming to a head. Now was different. His finger kept playing with me, even as he held himself still, deep inside, letting me adjust to him.

After a while, the tightness was gone, replaced by pleasure. I moved my hips against him, sliding myself up and down his cock.

“You need more, baby?”

I nodded, biting my lip, too turned on and inside out to talk.

“Then I’ll give you more. I’ll give you whatever you need, from this moment on, got it?”

I nodded again, his voice unwinding years of feeling alone, and abandoned, uncared for, inconvenient. He cussed and fucked me harder. I was going to come. My muscles were getting tighter, and the pleasure was growing.
