Page 110 of Twisted Deeds

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Asher was rubbing my clit ruthlessly now, lying on his side, facing me, while my legs were spread and raised. I shook and gripped his hand for support.

He laughed. It was pure, unadulterated joy. I loved that sound.

“Fuck, you fit me so perfectly, Your Majesty, like we were made to fit just like this.” He broke off and grunted, his hips slamming into mine now.

I didn’t mind it, even though I was tender. My orgasm was still barreling toward me.

“And now — we’ll never be apart,” he muttered. One of his hands landed on my breast and teased the nipple.

“Promise?” I gasped, frantically raising my hips to meet his thrusts. It was a promise I’d waited my whole life to hear.

“Just try and stop me…” Asher growled out the last words.

I didn’t hear anything more before that building feeling, like a bubble that was growing bigger and bigger, popped. Pleasure like nothing I’d ever felt raged through me. I contracted, every muscle conspiring to keep him inside me, the source of this great release. As soon as I clamped down around his cock, he followed me, pulsing deep inside. The warmth of his cum filled me up, making me wet and marking me as his. Claimed. He kissed me hard until I couldn’t breathe. My body was hot and alive. There was no hint of my icy reserve. My heart had fully thawed for the first time since I was seven years old. And it was all because of this man.

He stayed deep inside me for a long time, only slipping out when my legs went numb, and I had to move them. He pulled me back into his chest, spooning me easily. His hand stroked down my hair. My brain slowly came back online after the otherworldly experience. No wonder people got addicted to sex. Nothing could be better than that.

“So…” I cleared my throat. “What happens now?” The threat of Trent and his malicious intentions threatened to push into my happiness and spoil it.

Asher chuckled lazily. “Already overthinking? You’re very talented.”

“It’s a gift.”

He sighed and buried his face in my hair. “Now you’re mine, Winter. My spoiled little brat, my smart and funny Ice Queen. Mine. And we’re at the beginning of everything. Got it?”

“Got it.”


Ringing pulled me from the best dream I’d ever had. In it, I was warm and safe. Comforted in a way I’d never known. Strong arms surrounded me, and a steady heart beat beneath my ear.

I opened my eyes and squinted at the morning light. It took a moment to realize that it wasn’t a dream. I was sleeping cradled against Asher’s chest.

I didn’t want to move to get my phone, but the ringing was annoying, and besides, my mother’s ringtone was so rare to hear, I had to answer. She never called me to chat. It had to be something important.

I shifted toward the phone on the nightstand, and Asher muttered a sleepy protest and tugged me closer.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he murmured in a low, dangerous tone.

“To answer the phone?” I teased. “I guess it’s time to get up.”

“Guess again…I’m not done with you yet,” he lowered his mouth to mine and then kissed along my jaw. “In fact, I’m just getting started with you.”

“After last night?” I wondered, a little taken aback by the idea but quickly coming around. We’d barely slept, and I was sore, and yet, his lips on my neck were sending waves of heat through me.

“There is no limit to how many times I’m going to want you…my girlfriend. My everything. Be prepared for that.” His teeth closed over my ear, biting the lobe. I groaned.

The phone ringing again broke the spell.

“I have to get it. My mom never calls me,” I admitted in a whisper.

“Fine, but I get to do whatever I fucking want to do you while you’re on the phone,” he compromised.

Asher eased up his grip on me a little, and I strained for the phone and finally reached it.

Answering, I put my head back on his shoulder. “Mom?”

“Winter, I’m so glad you answered. Listen, you need to come down to the hospital.”
