Page 79 of Unwanted

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“That’s our girl,” Reid says, his voice filled with need. “You’re so fucking sexy for your mates. I love when you let us take care of you.”

Reid’s bond surges with his arousal, blending with my own. I’m a hair trigger away from coming, but I’m nowhere near ready.

I ease Cammie down from her first orgasm, intent to give her so many that she gets to that happy, floaty place.

She reaches for me, her kisses languid. I pick her up and lay her out before me, shifting us around so Reid can see. My mouth continues across the landscape of her body. I kiss my way past her chest and down her stomach. I stop at a scar on her hip, licking along the white puckered skin.

“Tell me about this one,” I say into her skin.

“Now?” she asks breathlessly. “I thought we agreed no teasing tonight.”

“This isn’t teasing. Your body is a map of your life, and I need to know you.” I purr for her, coaxing her to let go and to give in.

She squirms as I ease her panties off and go back to the scar, teasing that small strip of skin on her hip with my mouth while I keep her distracted with my fingers teasing her clit.

“Rogue branch when I was seven,” she fumbles, taking a panting breath. “I…fell wrong chasing my sister in the woods.” Her words become half-garbled moans as I nip along her thigh and pinch her clit. She bucks against me, her legs trembling as she comes for me again.

Reid praises her, telling her what a good mate she is, and she mewls beneath me. I love how responsive she is, and I don’t plan to stop until she’s wrung out with pleasure. Each time I get to a new anchor on her map, I coax the stories from her with mumbled moans and shattering orgasms. Her hands are greedy, too, her nails digging into my skin when I discover the spots that make her moan.

And with each new discovery I tuck away, I earn a little more of her. She likes the scratch of blunt nails, and her skin pebbles when I tease anywhere near her throat. The ticklish underside of her knee makes her laugh, but her scent swells when I bind her arms over her head and add another mark to her neck. I explore her beautiful body until she’s boneless before me.

“Please, Finn,” she cries.

Reid’s bond tugs, and I look up to see his hungry eyes on us, his fist circling the head of his cock. He’s rock-hard and dribbling precum. This time, he’s impatient, his control so thin he’s ready to pounce. “Watching time is over. Make her come on your cock.”

It’s not as if I’m immune. She drives me wild with her sounds, delicious curves, soft skin, and sweet berry scent. My cock is aching, I’m slick, and my balls are already drawn up tight. But I want Cammie to know that every part of her is worth savoring.

I ditch my boxers, and her greedy hands reach for me, stroking my cock. Her touch zips up my spine, my orgasm already close. She rubs her thumbs up my shaft, back and forth over my piercing, and my hips flex. I move between the cradle of her legs, bracing myself over her with one palm on the bed. With the other, I rub my cock through her slick lips.

It’s fucking heaven already. She’s so fucking wet. Her hips rock, and the head of my cock catches on her clit. I thrust, and it causes my piercing to drag against her. My dick twitches, and she sucks in a breath.

I do it again, rolling my hips on a moan. “Fuck, baby, you feel so good.”

She cries out for me, her eyes rolling back. “Please, Finn. I feel so empty.”

I line my cock up with her entrance, sucking along her arched neck. “Not anymore, baby. Never again.”

I thrust, and my cock slips inside. Cammie cries out, the sound sharp and sweet. Her arms wrap around my neck, her fingernails digging crescents into the skin. I want her marks and to wear the trails up my back as proof that she’s mine. She clings to me, the two of us panting, our lips sliding together in an almost kiss.

I’ve never topped before, and the feel of her snug, wet pussy around me is enough to make me come already. I still, trying to get my body under control.

“Your body is heaven. Fuck, the way you’re pulling me in, baby.” I nip her bottom lip.

“Move, please, Finn,” she begs. Her fingers flex against my shoulder, and her hips lift.

She feels so good, so right here beneath me, that I can’t help but listen. I fuck her deep and slow, my hips rolling and rocking into her until the two of us are on the brink. Each time I pull out, my piercing drags along her walls, and she cries out for me, breathless. Sweat beads on my skin, and it’s taking everything I have not to come, but I need to see her shatter for me again. I reach between us, shifting my weight back so I can stroke her clit. She mewls, grinding against me and making these sounds that go straight to my dick.

Our alpha can’t stand it any longer, his weight shifting as he eases in beside us. He lies next to her, one arm propped, and tugs on her chin until she looks at him. She pants for us, her eyelids drooping under the weight of her arousal.

“Please,” she begs, and it’s the prettiest sound.

His hand teases her nipples, and she clenches around me in a flood of heat.

“Holy fuck,” I moan, my cock ready to explode with the feel of her orgasm.

I lose my control, pulling back to my knees and grabbing her hips, tugging her leg onto my shoulder. The new angle pushes me deep, and I thrust into her, fast and hard. Beneath me, Reid sucks on her nipples, and her eyes roll back on a soundless scream, her pussy so snug that I see stars. My orgasm thunders through me.

The feel of coming inside her wakes that possessive side of me, and I squeeze my fingers into her hips, letting loose the word “Mine!” on a shout. I can’t help but think about how much I want to get her round with more babies. Even though she’s on the birth control shot, I’m hoping when things settle down and we bond, we can convince her to stop them. I know Reid is practically feral at the idea of getting her pregnant.
