Page 80 of Unwanted

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I rock my hips, grinding into her and loving the way she looks beneath me, her skin flushed and her eyes full of dreamy clouds. She says my name on a cry, and I collapse, rolling us until she’s settled on my chest. Reid leans in, and the three of us kiss until my heart stops feeling as if it will beat out of my chest.

“Come here, gorgeous,” Reid purrs, reaching for her. “It’s my turn.”

Chapter 27


“Alpha,” Cammie says with a breathy moan. And fuck if that title on her pretty lips doesn’t go straight to my dick.

She’s already flying, her eyes glazed over with pleasure and her skin covered in love marks. I lost count of how often Finn made her come during his exploration. He was an artist mapping his canvas, learning all the hidden tells that make her ours.

“I need you now,” I growl, unable to hold back any longer.

I’ve been patient, letting Finn explore, but I’m done waiting to form this connection with my newest mate. I slip my hand around her waist, lifting her off Finn and into my arms. With a grip on her ass, I guide her closer. She hovers over my lap, her warm heat so close it takes all my control not to take her. My cock is pounding with my pulse, desperate to claim her.

“Did our omega make you feel good, sweetheart?” I ask, hands digging greedily into her skin. I trail kisses along her neck and down to her breasts before sucking on one of her nipples.

Her arms lock around my neck. “So good.”

She whimpers, rubbing against me and slowly lowering herself on my cock. Those first few inches are hard-won, even with how relaxed she is, and I grit my teeth to keep from lifting my hips.

“Fuck, that’s the hottest thing, watching you take him, baby,” Finn says, his eyes trained on the two of us. “Does the stretch feel good?” His voice is raspy and raw, the sound going straight to my balls.

“Shit, yes,” Cammie moans.

Her nails dig into my neck as she takes more of me. My hands respond in kind, squeezing her ass as I focus on keeping myself still. Every instinct in me says I should thrust into her soaking center and clamp her neck between my teeth.

Finn curls around her back, his hand brushing between our bodies to tease her clit. He kisses her neck. “Our alpha is about to lose control; you’ve got him so worked up. I bet that’s what you want, isn’t it? To see him feral? To know how bad he wants you?”

Cammie clenches around me at his words, her pussy fluttering and her mouth full of the sweetest moans. She’s so fucking perfect that I can’t hold back. I lift my hips and sink the rest of the way inside her tight heat. My knot swells, teasing and stretching at her entrance. I moan, rolling my hips in long strokes.

“More, Reid, please,” Cammie gasps, grinding against me.

I can feel the way she stretches, teasing my knot. Finn already eased her open. Between his come and hers, she is gushing, so fucking wet that she’s got my knot slick. But we haven’t trained her enough yet, and I don’t want to hurt her.

I cant my hips, fucking into her with long, fast strokes that cause my knot to tug rhythmically at her opening. I pull back each time right before it wedges inside. Finn matches his pace to ours, teasing her clit until Cammie’s expression glazes over.

“It will fit,” she says, her breath as erratic as my pulse. She grinds down on my knot, the fucking squeeze so glorious I want to shout.

I scrape my teeth against her neck and whisper in her ear, “This pussy belongs to me, sweetheart. We’ll keep working my knot a little more each time. But you feel so good I have to come.”

“Claim me with your knot. I want it,” Cammie whines, the sound so needy it makes my alpha pound in my chest.

I’m on fire with the way she wants me. It awakens every one of my alpha instincts, pushes me to the brink of my control. I steal her moans, taking her lips. She grinds down on me again, and I can’t hold back.

In one fluid motion, I pick her up and flip us around, blanketing her with my body. Her half-lidded eyes lock with mine. I can feel the weight of her plea, the desperate need to be claimed. She has nothing to prove, but maybe I have something to prove to her. She needs to know that I will always give her what she needs and make sure she knows who she belongs to.

“I want you so much, sweetheart. What a good girl you are for your mates, showing us how eager you are to take our cocks.” Taking a tight grip on her throat to mimic my bite, I slam into her hard and fast.

She mewls for me, hitching her legs around my back. I set a fast rhythm, my balls aching and my knot pounding. Beside us, Finn reaches into the nightstand and returns with her pink vibrator. Cammie moans at the buzzing sound, her lips parting as our omega teases it against her clit.

“That’s it, baby,” Finn praises, his free hand caressing up and down her chest. Our combined touch makes her skin pebble and her thighs tremble.

I pick up speed. Each time I bottom out, my knot tugs at her entrance. It doesn’t take much before she’s clamping around me. I roar at the feel of her orgasm, thrusting inside her until my knot is stretching her open. Finn backs off the vibe, his mouth teasing her nipples and his hands caressing her skin. She whines, rolling her hips and grinding against me, her back arched and her scream silent.

“That’s our sweet beta, coming on my cock,” I growl. “You know who this pussy belongs to.”

Her eyes find mine, and she lifts her hips. “I can take it.”
