Page 78 of Unwanted

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Cammie turns back to Reid. I tease under the neck of her shirt, grazing my hand along her collarbone while Reid gears up to tell her what everyone already knows. I’m a diva.

“Finnism #1. Never give a preference for a design in the grey notebook. It’s his private one, and he gets sensitive about those more than others.” Reid’s face is contrite, and he tips his head to meet my eyes. “I learned that one the hard way once or twice.”

Cammie nods, looking between us and taking that in.

I hate that it’s true, but I don’t do well when others have space in my creative process. It feels as if their opinions are so loud they drown out my own. “It’s true. Sadly. But when I’m ready, I promise I’ll show you what I’m working on.”

“Whatever it is, it’s gonna be beautiful. Everything I’ve seen of yours is extraordinary.” Her eyes are soft, and my heart flutters at her praise.

“Thank you, baby.” I let my fingers explore in ever-expanding circles, caressing her chest and lightly skirting across her nipples.

She sucks in a breath. “And you were brilliant with Ben. Whatever you said helped. He talked to me before bed.” She turns, crawling into my lap and draping her arm over my back. “And I talked to Stacey, and I’m done cleaning. Today was my last day.” Her finger traces the scorpion’s tail, her delicate finger caressing the hollow of my throat. “Oh, and on my way home, I turned in the keys to the rental agency.”

Her nails drag across my chest, and she tugs on my nipples, making my cock jump. I’ve got a lap full of a turned-on Cammie, and I’m finally going to get to take my time.

“So, what you’re telling me is that we’ve done a kick-ass job of adulting today, and now we deserve a reward?” I ask. My hands crawl under her T-shirt, caressing the soft skin below her belly button and teasing the band of her panties.

“I’m adding a Finnism—orgasms and cuddles fix everything that sweets can’t,” she says, looking back over her shoulder at Reid.

He smiles at us. “Definitely a Finnism.”

“That’s just facts,” I say, letting my hand tease a little lower under the band of her panties. “Another fun fact is that our alpha has a thing for watching us together.”

I can feel the way our bond is pulsing with arousal, the way Reid wants me to draw it out, to see us both get lost together. And isn’t that a fun surprise?

I thought I knew most of what there was to know about Reid. But with Cammie here, I get to see this whole new side of him. I love that he’s still the alpha I’ve always known and that she brings out all these new facets of his personality.

My fingers skirt over her pussy then back away, resuming my path across her belly. Cammie rocks her hips against me, rubbing her center along my cock. The thin sweats do nothing to dull the feel of her against me. She lifts off her shirt, pulls it over the cloud of her hair, and tosses it, looking back at Reid.

“Is that right, alpha? Your game is to watch?” she asks, her voice sultry with that honey I love so much.

“It is when it’s the two of you.” He turns on his side, his hand teasing along the outline of his hard cock. “I love to watch the two of you when you’re lost in pleasure. But make no mistake, sweetheart, I plan to see you come on my cock tonight.”

Cammie’s thighs shift with the slightest squeeze. I recognize the ache, that empty feeling that you know he can fuck right out of you.

“Do you like that he wants to watch me get you wet? That I’m going to take my time with this sweet pussy, teasing you open. When you don’t know if you can take anymore, our alpha is going to stretch you wide and fuck you with my cum,” I say.

She likes it when I tell her all my dirty thoughts, and I love to see that flush spread down her neck. I trail my fingers back under the band and down to cup her pussy.

“Yes. I love the way you both want me.” She rocks her hips against my hand.

I get the first feel for how drenched she is. I lean in to suck on her pretty tits, tonguing the peaks as I tease between her legs. Her head falls back to expose her throat, a sultry moan spilling from her lips. I lick and nip my way to the slope of her neck, sucking a mark into her skin until it turns red and I know it will bruise.

“I can’t wait to have a matching bite with you, baby. I want to see our claim on your pretty neck. I want to make sure the whole world can see that you’re ours.”

The skin of her neck is splotched red, and the sight satisfies my omega. I want our alpha’s bite there, but my mark on her skin is almost as good.

She turns her head, panting into my neck. “Please don’t tease me, not tonight.”

My fingers slips inside her wet heat. “You need to come. Is that it, baby?”

“No. I need you,” she says before desperately kissing my mouth.

Her words spur me into action, tugging at my heart and making my cock ache with the need to be inside her. I retreat and surge back in, filling her with my fingers and stroking my thumb against her clit.

“I need you too, Cammie,” I say, wanting her to hear her name on my lips. “Come for me, beautiful, and let us both get what we need.”

She lets go at my command, soaking my fingers. It’s a flood of raspberry sugar, her scent so sweet I can taste it in the air. Her thighs squeeze, and her breath hitches in a soundless scream. Her lips are glossy, her pupils blown wide. I love the way she looks right now. So fucking open and free. Her face is illuminated in the glowing canopy lights, and she looks like the picture of intimacy, her expression full of the serenity that comes with the melding of trust and desire.
