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Millie: Hey back.

Mark: Tell me you’re having a better night than I am.

Unless you’re out with another guy, then maybe don’t tell me. But would she be texting me back if she was with another guy?

Millie: Nothing too exciting. Just have some people over for a game/movie night. Aren’t you supposed to be on that blind date tonight?

Mark: Dumpster fire. Actually no, that’s too nice.

Millie: Not your soulmate then?

Mark: Haha. Far from it.

Millie: You’re a good friend for going.

Guilt hits me. I said some pretty terrible things to Ben tonight. And thought a whole lot worse.

Mark: Far from it. I said some things to Ben tonight that I probably shouldn’t have.

Millie: I’m sure he deserved it. You’ll figure it out. You always do.

Mark: How do you do that?

Millie: Do what?

Mark: Say things that make me feel better so quickly?

Millie: I don’t know. I guess I just know you. I know you wouldn’t do anything that would intentionally hurt someone.

Mark: Can I see you tonight?

Millie: I have people over.

Before I can type out a response—either to take it all back or beg, I’m really not sure which—my phone dings again.

Millie: Come over, it’s a bit chaotic at the moment, but we have food coming, and we are going to either play games or watch a movie. We can hang out.

Mark: Send me your address.

I’m startled when a car pulls up next to me. Once I get my bearings and realize that it is my Uber, I climb inside, and we drive towards Ben’s house. When we arrive, I think about going up to the door and apologizing to him for the things I said, but the house is dark, and their car isn’t in the driveway. I decide it’s probably for the best. I will message him tomorrow. I get in my car and put my watch back on as I input Millie’s address into my GPS.

Chapter 15


I’m having a mild panic attack. This is fine. Mark and I are friends. Friends hang out. Friends hang out at each other’s houses. This is completely normal. I can do this. Stop stressing, Millie, this will be fine. This will be fun. It’s not like the two of us are going to be alone; there is a house full of people. Not that we haven’t been alone multiple times this week… Or ever… This is completely fine.

I can do this.

After my short little pep talk, I start to calm down. Slightly. I give myself a once over in my mirror and decide that I suddenly need to fix my hair and maybe add a little lip gloss. I am a hostess. I need to look the part. That is all. It has nothing to do with Mark and the fact that he’s coming over after having been on a date. With another woman. A date that went badly. I can’t help but smile. No! Stop it, Millie. Remember what you said. Just. Friends. NOTHING MORE. Just friends. A friend I wouldn’t mind having a whole bunch of benefits with. ARGH! I need out of my head!

From my room I can hear a change in the music playing from the living room, and the volume increases. The perfect distraction. Tori has no doubt kicked Amara’s boyfriend, Duncan, off of his DJ equipment and taken over.

“Are we really going to stay in all night?” Tori yells over the now-blaring music. She could turn it back down, but that’s not how Tori works. “That’s so boring! Work sucked this week! I just want to let loose!”

Kiersten holds her ears as she walks over and turns it down a few decibels. My growing headache silently thanks her. Kiersten turns to face Tori with one of her mothering looks. “It’s not boring. It’s responsible. Besides, some of us should be studying.”

Kiersten’s master’s program keeps her pretty busy. I’m surprised we even got her out of her room tonight.

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