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“Something happened on that trip. You sent text after text complaining about how horrible Mark’s girlfriend was and how he deserved so much better, but when you got back and found out that they had broken up, you were silent. You’ve hardly mentioned him since. Then you run into him and don’t tell us about it. You’re avoiding him.”

“Are you sure you’re not in school to become a therapist? Because I think you’d be really good at it.” I groan into my pillow. “It still doesn’t explain why he did what he did tonight.”

“It kind of sounds like he was jealous.”

“Jealous? Why would Mark be jealous of Troy? I clearly wasn’t interested.”

“Maybe it’s more like he’s jealous of how Troy has the freedom to hit on you. You really think you’re the only one who has thought about how a relationship between the two of you would immediately involve your entire families?”

I hadn’t thought about that. I had always thought that I was the only one with this unrequited crush and that those moments that meant so much to me were just flukes on his part. I never let myself think that maybe, just maybe, he was struggling in the same ways that I was. If anything ever did develop between us, there would be no hiding it. It would be public knowledge, and family involvement would be full throttle. That’s a lot of pressure. Pressure that wouldn’t be present in any other relationship.

There has to be a way that I can keep things friendly with Mark and not develop feelings. Or rather resurrect feelings. Avoiding him isn’t working; if anything, it is adding to the suspicion. Danny and Ashleigh made that very clear when they pointed it out as a sign that something was going on. I’m just not sure what will work.

By Monday morning, I’ve recognized a few things.

Fact: I can’t keep avoiding Mark. No matter how much I wish I could. It’s time to put on my metaphorical big girl pants and be the independent grown up I keep accusing everyone of not treating me as. Guess I’m just as guilty in that aspect as everyone else is.

Fact: I lost my cool on Saturday night. I threw shoes at the man, for heaven’s sake. That’s about as embarrassing as it gets. And that’s including all the things I did to get his attention when we were kids. No need to relive all those moments. And there are a lot of them.

Fact: I’m trying to get Mark’s attention. But I need to do the opposite. I do not want the attention of Mark Winters. Maybe if I say it enough, I’ll start to believe it.

“You look extra nice today.” I look up at my brother as he picks up his Monday usual off the counter.

“I have a meeting today.” I do, but I also may have to pick up a contract at Lexington on the way back from that meeting. Just because I don’t want Mark’s attention doesn’t mean I don’t want to make him at least do a double take. Besides, who said it was for Mark? Maybe I’ve had a change of heart about Troy and—I can’t even finish that thought without igniting my gag reflexes.

“A meeting, huh?” Danny eyes me.

“What?” I try to muster the most innocent face I can. So what if I put in some extra time getting ready this morning?

“That’s an awful lot of leg to be showing for a meeting.”

I’d try to deflect, but Danny will just read into it, so I remain silent.

“Be nice,” Ashleigh playfully elbows him in the ribs. “I think you look great. What I wouldn’t give to be able to wear that outfit right now. But,” she rubs her belly, “outfits like that don’t go hand in hand with motherhood.”

“Outfits like that made you a mother,” Danny mutters.

This time I elbow him in the ribs, but I’m not as gentle as his wife was.

“You make it sound like I’m wearing something super revealing. They’re shorts.” My brightly colored floral shorts hit my legs mid-thigh, and I paired them with a complimentary tank with a French tuck to show off the slight bedazzle of my white and gold belt that ties into the lightweight cardigan sweater. I look professional, yet young and carefree. But not too young. Because that would be the opposite of what I’m trying to convey. I am a sophisticated adult who can take care of herself.

As soon as Danny closes the door behind him, Ashleigh turns her full attention on me. “Okay, so why are you really dressed up? Because I’m not buying this meeting story.”

I roll my eyes.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me. I have three younger sisters and twins who are three going on thirteen. I’m immune.”

I groan. “Fine. I have to pick up some contracts at the law office that we work with.”

Ashleigh’s eyes are glinting. “And?”

“And I want to make sure I look nice when I go in to get the contracts.”


“And nothing. That’s it. I got up this morning and made an extra effort to make sure I looked my absolute best so that one of the lawyers would notice me.”

“The lawyer is Mark, right? Just making sure I’ve got all the pieces.”

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