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Tori: The lawyer guy who always hits on you?

Millie: The very one.

Tori: Thing? Like you hooked up?!

Millie: Eww!

Tori: Sorry, you said “thing”

Millie: He was drunk and got way too handsy.

Tori: I really hope you kicked him where it counts, but that’s more my style than yours.

Millie: No. I didn’t kick him (as much as I wanted to). But that’s not even the whole thing.

Tori: How close are you to the house? I need visuals!

Millie: I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.

Tori: More than enough time to make some popcorn!

By the time I got home, Tori had not only popped enough popcorn to feed an army but gathered Kiersten and Amara into our small living room. I barely have a chance to close the door before Tori pounces on me for more information.

“So? What happened with Troy?” Her dark green eyes are glinting. One thing about Tori, she lives for drama. She loves it. Unless it involves her, then she bolts faster than a cheetah trying to outrun a gazelle. She probably could outrun a gazelle with as much running she does.

“I’m assuming when everyone was summoned you gave the background?” I motion to Kiersten and Amara.

“Duh. I am a professional.”

“Just making sure. Okay,” I settle into my spot, because I might as well be comfortable. We’re going to be here awhile. “Troy came up to me and was extra frat boy-esque and so obviously drunk.”

“How is that even allowed at a professional event?” Amara breaks in.

“Shh!” hisses Tori. “It’s really not that uncommon. Especially for corporate parties.”

“But shouldn’t it be less for a small company like Lexington? I mean, how big was this thing anyway?” Kiersten weighs in.

“Can Millie please finish this story?! My popcorn is getting cold!”

I hold back a laugh. I also like torturing her a little, so I take my time giving lots of dramatic and unnecessary pauses as I recount all the failed flirting from Troy and how I turned him down to dance. By the time I get to Mark busting in, I am in full theatrical reenactment mode. When I finish, there is silence.

“So, you threw your shoes at Mark?” Amara summarizes, clearly stunned.

“You threw them at his head? Like at the same time or one at a time?” Kiersten asks.

“And they say I’m the impulsive one of the group,” Tori says as she sits back on the couch.

“He deserved it!” I object.

“Wasn’t he just trying to help?” Usually I love how optimistic Kiersten is and how she always looks for the good in every situation, but right now it’s annoying. She’s supposed to be agreeing with me. She’s supposed to give me validation. Is throwing a shoe the mature and rational reaction to anything? That’s not the point! The point is that Mark had no right to step in like that!

“I know what he did would seem nice on the surface, but it’s the reasoning behind his actions. He still thinks of me as a helpless little girl!” I protest.

“I can see how that would be frustrating.” Kiersten starts rubbing circles on my back to help me relax. “I still don’t see how that made you mad enough to throw a shoe at his head.”

“Because she’s madly in love with him.” My face heats as I turn and glare at Amara. She just shrugs. “What? You never talk about anyone with as much annoyance or admiration as you do Mark. It’s been like that since college.”

“Oh, it’s been longer than that.” I turn my glare on Tori and throw my pillow at her, knocking her bowl of popcorn and spilling it everywhere. Good. I’m not even going to help clean it up.

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