Page 7 of Carter

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“You won’t hurt us, but I understand, and I like this position better any wayyyy! Hey, why did you do that?!” she shouted, rubbing the sting out of her backside. He had delivered a stinging slap to her bare butt cheek.

“That was for all the lip you have been giving me and for not telling me sooner about my child.”

“You−oh,” she gasped as he slid his hard length into her without warning. He waited until she adjusted around him and began to plunge his cock deeper into her core. They sighed and began to move together in unison.

He leaned over, moving her hair to the side so that he could access her neck, his lips now on the sensitive part that she liked him to nibble, suck, and lick.

As his thrust hit the right spot inside of her, his mouth worked magic on her shoulder and neck, his hand now cupping her breast and squeezing in sync with his movements. He nipped at the flesh of her lower earlobe, saying dirty things in her ears.

“You feel so wet and juicy on my cock. Shit. This pretty pussy needs to be fucked only by me. It needs a hard ride; can you feel how tight it’s clenched around me? Hmm, my pet. Your cunt was meant for only me to take and ride.” He whispered hoarsely.

He angled up and his leg lifted her slightly for a deeper penetration. She reached behind her, grabbing his head and turning her lips to meet his. Their kiss was intense, tongues and teeth meeting as the heat built between them.

She pulled away to catch her breath and he pinched her nipple. “I can’t wait to take this juicy berry into my mouth and suckle you hard until your rain more of your essence on my cock.”

He flicked and rubbed the sensitive tip and then did the same to its twin.

“Then I want to eat what is mine.” He sounded so possessive, making her very wet.

Zahara felt herself squirt her essence and felt it slide out between them. She was so wet that her liquid was on him, her, and the bed.

Zahara orgasmed around his still-moving hard length, his head now hitting her sensitive spot. She clutched her pillow tight as another orgasm rocked her body.

“Please,” she begged. She didn’t know if she was begging for mercy or for him to keep fucking her. He felt so big inside of her and so good. The sensations were causing her toes to curl, and she was losing her breath from one minute to the next.

He kept going, and she wondered fleetingly whether his stamina was normal or if he was just gifted in that regard. She didn’t care, as long as it was all hers.

She reached back, gripping one of his hard globes, and felt it move as he continued to thrust inside her. She could feel another orgasm rising and took deep breaths to try and fight it. She wanted him to come too, but she lost the battle when he released her nipple and moved his fingers to the hard nub in the center of her folds.

“Then I am going to take this beauty and suck hard on it until you scream,” he said gutturally in her ear. Zahara shattered. She bucked her hips as she felt her vagina walls tighten to the point of pain before releasing in a burst of tight spasms. She was coming so hard that she almost didn’t hear the shout that escaped Carter’s lips. “Fuck!”

She felt a warm liquid along with the spasming going through her pussy. Carter jerked inside of her as his own orgasm overcame him.

“Your hot pussy is milking me so good, pet,” he continued hoarsely before he gave a last thrust and held her while their ardor cooled.

She felt their mingled wetness seep out of her, coating them both, and they groaned together as he pulled out. His hot flesh touching her overly sensitive walls sent another tremor through her.

He kissed the back of her neck, and then she felt and heard him moving off the bed. She twisted her head around and watched his muscles rippling as he stretched, his cock still big and firm, jutting out as though he had not just had a release. She knew that he could go again, and she wanted him. Her body was humming, needing her man. He turned his silver gaze to hers and made a move to come back to bed when she suddenly let out a tired yawn. Her mind was willing, but her body was tired, and she needed to have her nap.

He stopped and turned, then headed towards her bedroom door. Her room was not an ensuite, and she had to walk out to get to the bathroom, which was a bit of a pain at night when she really had to go. She heard a light switch turn on and then the water at the sink running before he reappeared with a wet cloth and a towel.

Carter placed the towel on the wet spot beneath her and then gently cleaned her. She tremored from feeling the abrasive wet cloth on her folds and watched through slitted eyes as he concentrated on his task, even though she could see he was rock hard again.

He finished cleaning her as she let out another yawn, then he left the room again to put the cloth back in the bathroom. She turned when he came back in, and he arranged himself behind her, pulling her close.

She had loved this part when he cuddled with her, even though it had only been that one time. She had been surprised when he had done it, and now it seemed so natural for him to do it again. She knew that they had plenty to discuss, but sleep was starting to overcome her.

She gave a contented sigh and moved her pillow to a better position to rest her head on. Carter adjusted himself behind her, cupping her breasts. The warmth of his embrace made her feel treasured.

Just as she was about to doze off into a deep but content slumber, her eyes popped back open, tensing from the cold command of his voice.

“Tomorrow we will go and fill out the paperwork to get married at City Hall.”

Zahara didn’t even think about it. Her response was swift and short. “No.”

Chapter 4

Carter tensed, stunned and angry that she had said no. He thought she would want to get married and have a father for her child. She was too young to do this on her own.
