Page 8 of Carter

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“What do you mean no? Zahara, you are carrying my child.”

“Do you love me?”

His lips flattened in annoyance. They barely knew one another; she needed to come off that fantasy of hers that they were meant to fall in love and live happily ever after. She was going to be disappointed when that didn’t happen.

He felt cold inside at her asking him that and raked his fingers through his already mussed hair in frustration at having to spell out the facts of their situation to her. He sighed. “No. I will admit, I am attracted to you, and we are good in bed together, but I don’t love you, and under different circumstances, you would not be my wife or the mother of my children. But you are pregnant, and I...well, I will be a good husband to you and a father to our child. You will want for nothing, and I will be faithful for as long as our marriage lasts.” He felt that was sufficient reason for her to be his wife.

“Hell no.”


“Let me spell it out for you and make my stance clear. No, I won’t marry you.” She squirmed to move out of his embrace, as she must have felt the anger and displeasure now radiating from him.

She struggled to get up from the bed and he helped her. Then he pulled himself up to lean against her headboard with a scowl. Zahara folded her arms and was now sporting a mutinous expression on her face.

“Zahara, I will not bring scandal to my family name and business by allowing the media to find out that I am having a child out of wedlock. And I will not have my child not have his father in his life.”

She scrunched her face in a grimace because she knew about his family scandal. His mother had had a child with another man, and Carter had a half-brother who had not been raised with them.

He didn’t want that for his unborn child.

“I understand Carter, and I am sorry that that happened to your family and Leaf, but I do not care about your image or what it means to your business. I will not marry a man who does not love me or only sees our life together as a short-term transaction,” she said coldly.

He opened his mouth, and the next thing he knew he was standing outside of her door with his shirt and pants in his hands. He had enough time to get his underwear on before she opened the door and pushed him through her doorway and out into the hallway.

He looked around at the closed doors in the corridor, making sure no one was witnessing his embarrassment and the fact that he was hard as steel seeing Zahara angry with him, shooting deadly sparks from her hazel eyes.

He knew he had said the wrong thing when he had lectured her and then told her how immature she was being. She had moved off the bed so fast, standing there like a goddess, her hair in messy disarray, her eyes spitting angry fire, her hands on her hips and her plump breasts with the dark areolas jutting forward over her round belly.

“Get out.”

He had tried reasoning with her, but she didn’t want to hear it, and when he didn’t move, she had threatened him with her experimental creams she had in her bathroom. That had gotten him moving to put on his underwear, but she had had enough of him and had gathered up his clothes, marching out of the room, and he had quickly followed.

Now he was standing outside, staring at her grey door. He stepped into his pants, zipping it up and buttoning it.

“Zahara, let’s talk about this reasonably. You are being emotional, and I understand, especially with your hormones being all over the place.”

Her door flew open, the wind from the force moving his hair.

She poked him with her finger. “I am not being emotional. No person would agree to that nonsense you just spouted. This is the twenty-first century, and women don’t have to get married because they are pregnant, especially into a cold, loveless marriage to an unfeeling brute.”

He opened his mouth but closed it when she snapped her arm out and cupped him through his pants. “You are denying what is happening between us. Does your body react like this for just anyone, hmmm? Do you talk dirty to them like you do to me?”

Carter stared stonily at her while his cock, already hard, pulsed in her hand. He wanted her and was fighting himself.

She searched his face while she continued to caress him, and he closed his eyes because it felt so good. But then he blinked them open when he felt nothing and heard the door closing in his face again.

He growled low in his throat in frustration at not getting what he wanted and not getting to taste her again.

He turned when he heard, “Men. Sometimes you are such idiots. Leave that nice girl alone before I fetch my broom to clear out the hallway.” He glared at the man in a kimono and a hair net on his head, smoking a cigarette as he watched Carter through brown eyes.

“Davis, who are you talking to? I swear, are you being nosy again and watching people in the hallway?” The door was opened wider to show a pretty, light-skinned black girl with freckles along her nose and cheeks. She had naturally fiery red hair and was short and plump. Carter caught the man looking at her with a longing expression before he masked it when she turned to look at him and then at Carter in the hallway. She grinned when she saw him.

“Not a dull moment here. Davis, come on; I need to test my new wig on your head before I have to go to work.” She turned and disappeared from Carter’s sight.

Davis gave him a warning look before he shut the door.

Carter clenched his fists and decided he needed to finish getting dressed and leave before he drew more attention to himself and his situation.
